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Sep 2018

A case against syntax highlighting

Tue 11-Sep-2018 04:08
I view programming from the perspective of a language. I know that this kind of view point is absurd. but that's how I view programming. I find that looking at highlighted text is a distraction for me. I also believe that allowing colored syntax to help me pick out variable and functions and comments just seems too much assistance.

However, highlighting text does have its benefits. For example: highlighting a line of text which you are trying to remember which concerning a concept or point of view. Underlining or highlighting is great for picking out main points from paragraphs. But it's not used to highlight the differences between a noun or a pronoun, or a verb from a adverb. These things need to be taught without the use of highlights.

The TTY demystified

Wed 12-Sep-2018 17:03
which terminal introduced color attributes for escape sequences?

DEC's VT241?
Wed 12-Sep-2018 17:07
However when modems came in to play, the terminal's UART and the host's UART were no longer directly wired to each other and modems would only transmit data and no control lines between them. This situation required another method of flow control that would have to be transmitted in-band with the data. So software flow control via device control characters was invented.

This flow-control pre-dates modems. The ^S/^Q characters _are_ the ASR-33 teletype's codes for turning off and on (respectively) the paper tape reader. Systems would issue them to prevent their processing programs from being overrun by automated input from tape. Later they were generalized into line disciplines, etc.

Making the Chipophone

Thu 27-Sep-2018 21:48
I want to get one of these !


Sat 29-Sep-2018 18:10

lft wrote:

Hi, is it normal for the low pass slow sweep fx on the po28 to only work 1 time, and not reset like all the others reset. That is what mine does. I can only use that effect once, unless I take the batteries out and put them back in.

Yes, this is a known bug. Sorry for that.

It has been fixed by now, so new units don't have this problem.

Hi, I just bought a new PO-28 and it has the bug. I asked the guy in the store about it and he told me that it won't have it as it is new stock and they sell them all the time. I guess he lied to my face. Should I contact TE about this? Do they replace units with the bug?