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Aug 2020

GCR decoding on the fly

Tue 4-Aug-2020 01:28
" Then it clears the flag in anticipation of the next byte. "

This is a common misconception.
CLV resets the external shift register. The external shift register sets again SOE upon completition of 8 shifts since the CLV. It's not "anticipation" but exactly where it should be.
Tue 4-Aug-2020 01:44
Great article! I have integrated the code into my disk utility and it allows me to scan the entire disk in 21 seconds using an interleave of 2 sectors!! I only send the first 4B and an error byte from each sector back to the C64, so that's why I can hit interleave of 2. I used the short checksum snipet from Shards of Fancy. I also noticed in Shards of Fancy that you use the "nop" for density 0 and 1 (Tracks 25-35), not just the slowest ones (31-35).

Now for some improvements!!
1) instead of storing $0100,$01FF->$0101, I store $01FF->$0100 so the data does not have a wrap. This is accomplished by starting the stack at $FF instead of $00, and also changing the final few instructions in the zero-page from pha before tsx to tsx before pha. This works because pha does not change the zero flag.
2) if the first byte of data is not $55, I give up after 3 tries and report error 04 for that sector and move on. also, if parity fails, give up after 3 tries and report error 05. This is because my project is a disk utility and not a loader :) I cannot "hang" trying forever.
3) save/restore the last 8B of stack, and SP, just before/after this routine, so I can still jsr/rts everywhere else in the code.
4) save/restore a portion of ZP before/after reading all the sectors I wanted, so I can return to KERNAL when done. Returning to KERNAL is important for my utility project. I am using $86-$E5 for the ZP code and only save/restore $99-$B4 -- the rest is just zero'd out.


where can we find this disk utility?


Fri 7-Aug-2020 00:13
Emulated by MAME as of MAME 0.223. :-)

The TTY demystified

Fri 7-Aug-2020 13:10


Sat 15-Aug-2020 13:57
Am I missing something? The third example in Chapter4 Items doesn't appear to work. As shown the amethyst is not in the bowl. Adding (* is #in #bowl) to the amethyst seems to fix this. All of the options for multiple stones now work. Latest windows version.
Sun 16-Aug-2020 17:01
Okay, does this example need updating? Changing ((stone to (*(stone in line 39 seems to fix this.

The TTY demystified

Tue 18-Aug-2020 07:18


Linus Åkesson
Thu 20-Aug-2020 10:10
Okay, does this example need updating? Changing ((stone to (*(stone in line 39 seems to fix this.

Thanks for reporting this! There was a change in the language definition a while back, and this example should have been updated. I'll fix it.

The TTY demystified

Mon 31-Aug-2020 23:52
Great article, thank you for putting this together!