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Jag tar inget ansvar för det som skrivs i forumet, förutom mina egna inlägg. Vänligen rapportera alla inlägg som bryter mot reglerna, så ska jag se vad jag kan göra. Som regelbrott räknas till exempel förolämpningar, förtal, spam och olagligt material. Mata inte trålarna.

Nov 2017


Mon 6-Nov-2017 12:35
Cool! But sounds more like 60's Farfisa electronic organ in medium size church!


Tue 7-Nov-2017 22:44
Can you be so kind and support 3SID interface too? (9channels)

Safe VSP

Sun 12-Nov-2017 18:51
'...there is a brief moment of time when each of the changing bits (bit 3 through 7) is neither a valid one nor a valid zero...'. Basicly this implies the c64 is a capable quantumn processing unit for if a bit is neither valid 0 or 1 it is also not invalid 0 or 1 and thus in 'superstate'.
Linus Åkesson
Tue 14-Nov-2017 06:24
'...there is a brief moment of time when each of the changing bits (bit 3 through 7) is neither a valid one nor a valid zero...'. Basicly this implies the c64 is a capable quantumn processing unit for if a bit is neither valid 0 or 1 it is also not invalid 0 or 1 and thus in 'superstate'.

That's not how quantum computing works.

Besides, if a bit is neither valid 0 or 1, I don't see why it couldn't be both invalid 0 and invalid 1. (In fact it is.)

The bitbuf

Sat 18-Nov-2017 04:54
I'm totally in love with the BitBuf... Any chances to buy you a DIY kit or schemes to build one ?


GCR decoding on the fly

Frank Thomas
Sun 26-Nov-2017 15:35
Well I'm the Frank Thomas that designed together with Klaus Roreger the ProfessionalDos software/hardware decoder for GCR. So I have thought a bit about decoding GCR streams. Well it's long ago and I forgot most of it. But this piece of code is unbelievable. Although I knew all the illegal-opcodes I never thought about using them in this context. The idea to remove the bvc loops is also veeery clever!!
And I can't actually believe that someone in 2013 thinks about improving software written >30 years ago.
Great work!!! Big applause!!

The bitbuf

Thu 30-Nov-2017 09:28
My annual request:
Please Linus Akesson, make this device available or provide us with some information about the code. I think that everybody would love to pay for that.
Please answer somehow!