Blackbird is a modern music editor for the Commodore 64. It was released at Datastorm 2017 (outside of the compos). The software has been designed to work well both on real hardware and in emulators, and it comes with a comprehensive User's Guide.
For some time, I've been making my C64 music using hacked-together cross-platform tools. Here the various features of those tools have been brought together into a polished native tracker. Thus, the included example songs were not made in Blackbird, but each was made in a conceptually similar tracker, and then converted into the new format.
Note: The User's Guide is also included in the zip-file.
- blackbird-1.2.zip (Zip archive, 468.9 kB)
- blackbird-1.1.zip (Zip archive, 402.9 kB)
- blackbird-1.0.zip (Zip archive, 401.9 kB)
- BlackbirdUsersGuide.pdf (User's Guide, 264.3 kB)
Here are the CSDb pages for Blackbird 1.0, Blackbird 1.1 and Blackbird 1.2.
Posted Wednesday 15-Mar-2017 07:09
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Thu 10-Aug-2017 17:41
Tue 7-Nov-2017 22:44
Sat 20-Jan-2018 09:25
Linus Åkesson
Tue 23-Jan-2018 08:41
Yes, it's pdflatex. I'm using the regular "book" class, together with packages like "berasans", "fancyhdr" and "longtable". Some lengths are tweaked (e.g. parskip, parindent), the chapter headers are custom (by overriding @makechapterhead) and the keyboard keys are generated using tikz.
Tue 9-Jul-2019 03:23
Fri 30-Aug-2019 09:41
After making my first test tune with Blackbird (yippee!) for a tongue-in-cheek C64 game project, I'm having a bit of a trouble using the win32 build of Birdcruncher to export the bb.songfile that I've made. (Pardon in advance if this is some kinda n00b error on my behalf.)
I've tried changing the options in Birdcruncher but every time I get the same error message as a result:
Filter 4, wave 3, fx 4, total 11
Crunching track and song data...
Internal stream error, 87, voice 0
I've been unable to find any references for this from the manual, and thus I'm hoping if you could help me out. If necessary, drop me an e-mail and I can send you the bb.song file in question. All help kindly appreciated. Thanks again and keep up the good work!
Wed 18-Mar-2020 03:28
Thu 25-Nov-2021 13:55