Vivaldi Summer Presto
The Presto movement from Vivaldi's Summer performed on Commodore-based instruments.
- Linus Akesson - Vivaldi Summer Presto.mp3 (MP3, 4.9 MB)
Vivaldi's summer storm is one of the most prominent roots of the heavy-metal genre. Many people have performed the piece on electric guitar, but here I'm adding my own 8-bit twist.
The bass (cello) part is performed on a plain breadbin C64 running Qwertuoso. The solo violin and second violin parts are performed on the C=tar. The viola part is reproduced using floppy-drive noise while the Amiga adds drums and a little bit of Kalimba.
All the software was, appropriately enough, realised using bare-metal programming.
Posted Friday 17-Nov-2023 08:53
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Paul Smith
Fri 17-Nov-2023 16:26