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Jag tar inget ansvar för det som skrivs i forumet, förutom mina egna inlägg. Vänligen rapportera alla inlägg som bryter mot reglerna, så ska jag se vad jag kan göra. Som regelbrott räknas till exempel förolämpningar, förtal, spam och olagligt material. Mata inte trålarna.

Jul 2012

The Chipophone

Sun 1-Jul-2012 16:42
Recently getting into Hardware engineering and programming the arduino uno µController. Now I'm really interested this is awesome! I strive to one day make my own projects such as yours your an inspiration man!

The bitbuf

Mon 2-Jul-2012 23:31
Aaaaw! Thats damn nice work you did there.
Even if you are not going to sell it, it would be nice, if you share the plans with us :)
(would buy it anyways)

Making the Chipophone

Tue 3-Jul-2012 16:32
This is absolutely best/most amazing nostalgic project I've seen over the years.
Respect, sir!

Pipe Logic

Thu 5-Jul-2012 07:44
Can somebody say Inception? Interesting discussion. I was lost a while ago, but that's because I do software, not hardware.

The TTY demystified

Fri 6-Jul-2012 15:46
"yes" program , produced in 2009 !

Thank you David McKenzie for your contribution to open source community !

I am just wondering what in your background that enabled the FSF to accept such worthless contribution ?

Member of what masonic lodge or what church or son of a war hero or billonarties you have to be so they accept that piece of crap ?

For reference:

yes command - otputs a line on tty until killed !

coded and added to Linux in 2009.
Fri 6-Jul-2012 15:48
"yes" program , produced in 2009 !

Thank you David McKenzie for your contribution to open source community !

I am just wondering what in your background that enabled the FSF to accept such worthless contribution ?

Member of what masonic lodge or what church or son of a war hero or billonarties you have to be so they accept that piece of crap ?

For reference:

yes command - otputs a line on tty until killed !

coded and added to Linux in 2009.

interesing point although might be harsh on a boy who modified a hello world program and managed to add it to Linux.
Fri 6-Jul-2012 15:50
"yes" program , produced in 2009 !

I disagree an entire source code of the yes in TARball may be a good example of how to add a new command to Linux, sort of like a new command template.

Linus Åkesson
Fri 6-Jul-2012 16:07
"yes" program , produced in 2009 !
Member of what masonic lodge or what church or son of a war hero or billonarties you have to be so they accept that piece of crap ?

Your angry ignorance is amusing. Do you also consider echo or /dev/zero crap? Unix commands are simple by design, so that they can be combined easily. For instance, off the top of my head, here's a way to list the first 100 powers of two: (echo 1; yes 'p2*')|dc|head -n 100
Fri 6-Jul-2012 21:17
int main( in argc, char** arg)
if ( argc < 2 )
printf( "\nNo program, prints line to tty until killed !... please put now my name in Linux.\n" );
printf( argv[1] );

Pipe Logic

Wed 11-Jul-2012 14:25
Great article! For those who may want to know a bit more Theory on transistors, please feel free to read this article: (this is more about SSDs, but it's still relevant!): http://www.anandtech.com/show/5067/understanding-tlc-nand/2


Thu 12-Jul-2012 11:28
This one is nice. After thinking it was quite impossible, it then took me nearly an hour to solve :-D


The TTY demystified

Fri 13-Jul-2012 17:37
Thank you!!
Sat 14-Jul-2012 03:33
Shell is allowing me to type in only 256 characters. e.g.

bash-3.00$ cat

Minal Patil

Can Web Master please delete this post so that the page would not be made so wide in some browser to be unreadable?
Linus Åkesson
Sat 14-Jul-2012 11:39
Can Web Master please delete this post so that the page would not be made so wide in some browser to be unreadable?

I've added some "max-width" attributes that should fix the problem. What browser do you use?

The hardware chiptune project

Sat 14-Jul-2012 15:09
BTW what does freqtable[] physically represent? I don't see the relation between note frequency and this table :x

The TTY demystified

Sat 14-Jul-2012 22:18

lft wrote:

Can Web Master please delete this post

I've added some "max-width" attributes that should fix the problem. What browser do you use?

Thanks for being so responsive.

I did realize, later, that it was just elinks that laid out the page to be annoyingly wide.

$ elinks http://www.linusakesson.net/programming/tty/index.php

(Use "]" or mouse to click near the right border of the terminal to scroll right.)

I also found, later, that removing the posting containing a unusually long single-word helps, but a little scrolling left and right is still needed in elinks.

Since this is restricted to an uncommon browser, don't worry about it.

(I started using elinks on one computer due to the recent development on Linux desktop that resulted in poor support for older video cards where Firefox would freeze the entire desktop when rendering some common web content. elinks worked great for text content.)

By the way, thanks for the page. It was a great read.
Linus Åkesson
Sun 15-Jul-2012 20:29

lft wrote:

Can Web Master please delete this post

I've added some "max-width" attributes that should fix the problem. What browser do you use?

Thanks for being so responsive.

I did realize, later, that it was just elinks that laid out the page to be annoyingly wide.

I use elinks quite a lot myself, actually, for a fast, nonsense-reduced browsing experience. The page is not wider than the screen on my setup (elinks version 0.12pre5 with CSS enabled).

The bitbuf

Wed 18-Jul-2012 06:53
Mind blown... You sir are extremely talented.

King Fisher 0x28

Wed 25-Jul-2012 12:04
what? no chipophone version?? ;D

The bitbuf

Sun 29-Jul-2012 22:11
Make a kit that you can solder together yourself!