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Disclaimer: I am not responsible for what people (other than myself) write in the forums. Please report any abuse, such as insults, slander, spam and illegal material, and I will take appropriate actions. Don't feed the trolls.

Jag tar inget ansvar för det som skrivs i forumet, förutom mina egna inlägg. Vänligen rapportera alla inlägg som bryter mot reglerna, så ska jag se vad jag kan göra. Som regelbrott räknas till exempel förolämpningar, förtal, spam och olagligt material. Mata inte trålarna.

Oct 2019


Sat 5-Oct-2019 00:31
Any chance of linking to the source repo, to accept patches. I've found a couple of nits in the documentation I could fix.

The TTY demystified

Jim Fergusson
Sat 5-Oct-2019 13:35
a really excellent article on a subject that mystified me - (and I'm an old guy who remembers punched tape 'telex' as the main communication channel between our company and it's Connecticut USA parent) - thanks so much for this Mr Akesson!


Fri 11-Oct-2019 01:39
Is there a GitHub project for this? I noticed a couple of tiny documentation bugs that I would submit a PR for.

Also, what's the trajectory here: do you know what "feature complete" looks like, and what's the journey there look like?

I've been dabbling in IF for quite some time; As a coder (I work in Clojure) I prefer the Dialog syntax over Inform (as nifty as Inform7 can be).

Also your forums are broken; database error, can't register.



uriah dyson
Sat 19-Oct-2019 05:20
how do I run on windows? also HELLO! are you still alive? may we talk?


Linus Åkesson
Sun 20-Oct-2019 21:35
Is there a GitHub project for this? I noticed a couple of tiny documentation bugs that I would submit a PR for.

It's on the todo list. My own repo is intertwined with the development of Tethered, so I have to create a new, public repo with a clean history.

Also, what's the trajectory here: do you know what "feature complete" looks like, and what's the journey there look like?

There's no detailed long-term plan, but I think the bulk of the functionality is already in place. The Å-machine needs to run on vintage hardware, as promised, and I'm currently working on that. I have some ideas for new bells and whistles, but the core Dialog language feels fairly stable, and will probably evolve in a backwards-compatible way. But I don't promise this until we get to version 1, which will probably happen when (if) people start to release stuff made in Dialog.

Also your forums are broken; database error, can't register.

Huh, I haven't been able to reproduce this. Is it still broken from your end?


Linus Åkesson
Sun 20-Oct-2019 21:45

soniiiety wrote:

how do I run on windows?

It's a Linux executable. Perhaps you could run it on a virtual machine.

also HELLO! are you still alive? may we talk?

Hello! Nice to meet you! Yes, I am alive and well. Just spending a little less time online for the time being. I'm mainly active in the Interactive Fiction community now, and this community is currently in IFComp mode, which means that everybody is busy with the games and has less time for idle chatter.

The Chipophone

Wed 23-Oct-2019 22:07
Really Great work. It's amazing!
I crying while listening this handcrafted tunes.
Really great artwork and hardware.
Thank you Linus !

The Å-machine

Wed 30-Oct-2019 01:18
Interesting. waiting for an implementation that matches the specs :)