

I created an algorithm to automatically generate sokoban problems of increasing difficulty. Check it out! The first levels are trivial, but somewhere around level 10, perhaps 15, you will find that the puzzles are becoming quite challenging.

Level:  0

Moves:  0

(Use keyboard or click above.)

These levels were generated using random seed 560782269.

Use the following URL to get back to this particular puzzle:

I would like to thank Murase-san, Matsubara-san and Hiraga-san who approached this subject in an academic paper called Automatic Making of Sokoban Problems. In general, my algorithm is fundamentally different than theirs, but the first step (generating rooms) is performed as described in the paper.

By the way, I should warn you that this game is highly addictive. Arm yourself with plenty of coffee and chip music.

Posted Tuesday 24-Jun-2008 16:03

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Jag tar inget ansvar för det som skrivs i forumet, förutom mina egna inlägg. Vänligen rapportera alla inlägg som bryter mot reglerna, så ska jag se vad jag kan göra. Som regelbrott räknas till exempel förolämpningar, förtal, spam och olagligt material. Mata inte trålarna.

Tue 8-Jul-2008 00:15
Fun!!!! yay!!
Tue 5-Aug-2008 15:05
Nice & funny
Mon 8-Sep-2008 11:28
I was looking at level 100 and above, and they were pretty mean. I hope I didn't suffocate your web server with generating them!

How fast is the solving algorithm, and how does it compare to that in the original paper which inspired you, and how quickly can it (your own algorithm) solve f.ex the typical level 100's on a given system?
Linus Åkesson
Tue 16-Sep-2008 20:02
I was looking at level 100 and above, and they were pretty mean. I hope I didn't suffocate your web server with generating them!

How fast is the solving algorithm, and how does it compare to that in the original paper which inspired you, and how quickly can it (your own algorithm) solve f.ex the typical level 100's on a given system?

No problem. =)

The solution is a bi-product of the puzzle generation algorithm, so it would take no additional time.
Thu 30-Apr-2009 22:45

very nice job! i love this game. levels are getting more and more tricky, but you never know if the next one is easy or not. :) is there any way to install the programm on a cell phone? how complex is the algorithm to generate the levels?
Linus Åkesson
Mon 4-May-2009 18:10

very nice job! i love this game. levels are getting more and more tricky, but you never know if the next one is easy or not. :) is there any way to install the programm on a cell phone? how complex is the algorithm to generate the levels?

Thanks! The algorithm needs a lot of RAM, so it's probably not feasible for a midlet. Some day, when I get the time, I'll publish the source code and a description of the algorithm.
Thu 7-May-2009 17:43

lft wrote:


very nice job! i love this game. levels are getting more and more tricky, but you never know if the next one is easy or not. :) is there any way to install the programm on a cell phone? how complex is the algorithm to generate the levels?

Thanks! The algorithm needs a lot of RAM, so it's probably not feasible for a midlet. Some day, when I get the time, I'll publish the source code and a description of the algorithm.

Oh, super! I am very much interested in the source code. To avoid the RAM-problem, one could split the programm into a "level-creator", that calculates for example level 1 to 100 of a seed und saves it in a small file, which could be read by the second program running on the cell-phone.

Greetings, the anonymous writer =)
Sun 25-Jul-2010 02:01
Totally amazing. You should port it to Android/iPhone. Don't know how much memory you need, but newer devices have a lot available. Alternatively, publish the source ;)

However for the life of me I can't solve

Bug, or am I just not doing it right?
Sun 25-Jul-2010 11:41
Try that one, that's easy :P
Sun 25-Jul-2010 12:17
Totally amazing. You should port it to Android/iPhone. Don't know how much memory you need, but newer devices have a lot available. Alternatively, publish the source ;)

However for the life of me I can't solve

Bug, or am I just not doing it right?

I think this one is realy hard. I was to give up. But there is a soluten. First step is to push the bolder up to you up, then open the way down. Then you can do the rest.
Thu 19-Aug-2010 20:31
i do believe is impossible...
Thu 19-Aug-2010 20:37
i do believe is impossible...

har har just kidding its solvable just really strange :B
Sat 16-Oct-2010 19:39
Nice Generator :-)
I found
really easy, but for
I needed several tries.
Sat 18-Jun-2011 14:47
Totally amazing. You should port it to Android/iPhone. Don't know how much memory you need, but newer devices have a lot available. Alternatively, publish the source ;)

However for the life of me I can't solve

Bug, or am I just not doing it right?

It's possible. I solved it in 17 moves. A lot of manipulation, however.
Mon 22-Aug-2011 14:23

does this problem have a solution?
Thu 10-Nov-2011 15:40

does this problem have a solution?

Yes, I've found a solution in 19 turns.
Mon 9-Jan-2012 03:56 is killing me!
Fri 13-Jan-2012 02:32 is killing me!

Oh! I solved it!
Wed 29-Feb-2012 05:18
Looks like it eventually runs out of levels at level 2147483647.
(I don't know much about the language you programmed it in, but is there a reason that the level counter is signed? However, that would just delay the problem...)
Mon 19-Mar-2012 13:59
Running in Firefox 10.0.2 gives a very unproportional playing field.
Thu 17-May-2012 20:01
Easy peasy lemon squeezy

Wed 23-May-2012 13:16
Thu 12-Jul-2012 11:28
This one is nice. After thinking it was quite impossible, it then took me nearly an hour to solve :-D
Mon 13-Aug-2012 19:04
These algorithms are not perfect of course, and occasionally they generate these super-simple level 1000-puzzles:
Thu 30-Aug-2012 23:01
Linus Åkesson
Fri 31-Aug-2012 17:37

Good find! The best levels are counter-intuitive like that.
Thu 6-Dec-2012 23:00
Very interesting stuff.

I have tried many levels here and all of the levels mentioned above by others, they all seem a bit on the easy side.

I wish it can generate really difficult levels.
I do mean, super difficult levels.
Mon 16-Sep-2013 16:32
level 13, 770569946 impossible?
Fri 27-Sep-2013 00:12
Totally amazing. You should port it to Android/iPhone. Don't know how much memory you need, but newer devices have a lot available. Alternatively, publish the source ;)

However for the life of me I can't solve

Bug, or am I just not doing it right?
I've done it in about a minute. It's not impossible. Start by pushing higher the one that's above you at the start position, and then one point higher the one below you.

I'm interested in the generation algorithm too. :)
Tue 5-Nov-2013 01:19
level 13, 770569946 impossible?

It is possible and is in fact pretty easy.

Here's the LURD solution:
Sat 30-Nov-2013 03:38
Would it be ok if I took two or three levels generated by this program and uploaded them to a certain freeware game similar to Chip's Challenge? You and your wonderful sokoban generator would recieve the credit for creating the levels, and additionally I would provide a link to the generator here so others could enjoy it. (If it is not ok, then I will not upload any levels from here.)
Linus Åkesson
Sat 30-Nov-2013 15:06
Would it be ok if I took two or three levels generated by this program and uploaded them to a certain freeware game similar to Chip's Challenge? You and your wonderful sokoban generator would recieve the credit for creating the levels, and additionally I would provide a link to the generator here so others could enjoy it. (If it is not ok, then I will not upload any levels from here.)

Sure, go ahead!
Sat 30-Nov-2013 22:49
Thanks! The game which I am uploading them to can be found by searching 'escape spacebar' (not posting a link so as to avoid direct advertisement.)

The bug where the tiles end up twice as tall as they are wide on Firefox 10 is apparent for me as well. I'm not sure why it appears like that, but the game is still playable.
Wed 18-Jun-2014 08:02
I thought this one was tough, but it might just be that my mind is tired right now...
I got stuck in one way of thinking and didn't see all the possibilities.
Sat 21-Jun-2014 02:23
Okay, I'm stuck on this one.
Can anyone else solve it?
Sat 21-Jun-2014 07:47
Here's a good one:
Sat 5-Jul-2014 21:49
Here's a good one:

I think it's a good one, because it was actually easier than #26! :)
Fri 1-Aug-2014 15:57
First of all, congratulations! You have done an amazing job! It looks fantastic!
Well, I have a project to create a random map creator for sokoban, but I'm having a lot of trouble to do it. I've already looked for the academic paper you talked about, but unfortunately I wasn't able to find it. I would appreciate a lot if you could give me a hand with it.
Thanks a lot
Thu 7-Aug-2014 08:50
Enjoy. (It's impossible.)
Tue 11-Nov-2014 17:25
Enjoy. (It's impossible.)
Not impossible. 21 moves. Nice puzzle
Fri 21-Nov-2014 13:00
Looks like it eventually runs out of levels at level 2147483647.
(I don't know much about the language you programmed it in, but is there a reason that the level counter is signed? However, that would just delay the problem...)

It's some sort of overflow I'd say as 2147483647 = 0b01111111111111111111111111111111 (so one zero and 31 one's)
Max Porshnev
Wed 17-Dec-2014 12:46
Enjoy. (It's impossible.)
Not impossible. 21 moves. Nice puzzle
Spoiler: 4←1↓2←1→2↓2→1↑1←1↑1←1↓1↑1←1↑2←1↓1→1←3↑5→1↓1↑1←2↓3←1↓1←2↑1↓3→1↓1←
Fri 19-Dec-2014 20:11
Sat 14-Mar-2015 00:06
i do believe is impossible...

Solved. 40 moves. Probably can do less. Took 30 seconds.
Sat 14-Mar-2015 00:47
i do believe is impossible...

Solved. 40 moves. Probably can do less. Took 30 seconds.

I was all excited about solving 768 but I can't solve this one:
Is it solvable?
Max Porshnev
Tue 17-Mar-2015 17:33
Is it solvable?
Of course, it is solvable. Spoiler: , but that's definitely not the shortest way. :-)
Wed 8-Jul-2015 15:25
On 2009 you posted "when I got time, I'll publish the source code". I hope 6 years later you can have spare time to share you knowledge with us! :)
Mon 24-Aug-2015 23:12
This one seems impossible:
Linus Åkesson
Tue 8-Sep-2015 15:52
This one seems impossible:

Not at all. But it's a nice find!
Tue 8-Sep-2015 23:16
Ah. Yes. You are right! Why didn't I see that...
Fri 5-Feb-2016 13:25
Addictive: yes
Thu 11-Feb-2016 23:32
Truly amazing :) So, any chance that you will publish the algorithm someday ?
Tue 22-Mar-2016 22:56
Can I use the generated levels is a app that will have extra packs that the user will buy it? The credits I will cite you page. Thanks
Linus Åkesson
Tue 29-Mar-2016 22:41
Can I use the generated levels is a app that will have extra packs that the user will buy it? The credits I will cite you page. Thanks

Hi! I saw your mail about this; sorry for not replying sooner. Yes, you can use levels that you got from my level generator. But don't hook up the app directly to the online generator, because that would increase my bandwidth requirements. Include a credit and a link to my page somewhere.

The same permission is hereby granted to anybody else who wants to do the same.
Fri 6-May-2016 05:01
On 2009 you posted "when I got time, I'll publish the source code". I hope 6 years later you can have spare time to share you knowledge with us! :)
Yeah I am working on a similar problem and would be curious how you did this.
Sun 11-Sep-2016 11:10
That puzzle generator is amazing! Would be great if you could contribute generator and solver code to Simon Tatham's portable puzzle collection, so that it could be played anywhere. Actually, there is an implementation of Sokoban there in unfinished puzzles on git, but it lacks a good generation code.
Sat 3-Dec-2016 21:19
Very cool and addictive, would love to see the source! I may need to listen to the Zelda theme, but for the life of me, I can't figure this one out:

Linus, your site is my new homepage!


Sat 3-Dec-2016 21:47
Very cool and addictive, would love to see the source! I may need to listen to the Zelda theme, but for the life of me, I can't figure this one out:

Linus, your site is my new homepage!



nm, got it with the help of my wife. For an engineer, I really suck at puzzles!
Mikael Johansson
Sat 22-Apr-2017 00:52
Cool stubled on this just now!

My first "app" was a J2ME-midlet originally made for the SE T610. It was Sokoban, with the feature of "in-app-purchase" ;) Beeing able to download new level-sets from my webserver that kept the levels as strings in MySQL. The midlet sent max size of it's screen to the server and only got levels that fit. It worked very well on most j2me enabled phones i tried it on, even the low end ones. It can still be downloaded:

But the level download feature does not work right now, shall try to fix it server side some time.

When everything kind-of-like worked the project was'nt fun any more... And also, lack of freely available levels...

It would be cool to finish it up some time.
Mon 24-Apr-2017 19:18
I dare you, solve this one
Wed 31-May-2017 23:34
I dare you, solve this one

The level is actually not as difficult as you think.
Using the upper path as a one-way sliding door makes it easy.

To make it more interesting, you can actually eliminate the upper path as a one-way sliding door by adding a wall.
Like this:


Still relatively easy.
Mon 12-Jun-2017 11:04
How is the difficulty of the levels determined?
Joe Care
Thu 15-Jun-2017 02:05
On 2009 you posted "when I got time, I'll publish the source code". I hope 6 years later you can have spare time to share you knowledge with us! :)
Hi, Sokoban is still sooooooo addictive ...
Now it's 2017 how about the source code now ?
Or at least tell us more about your solution.
The first part I think is a base-room that you modify with several templates.
Tue 25-Jul-2017 21:16
I can't seem to figure out the level

I got it almost solved, but I can't finish it, I always get the last two crates in a position where I can only push one of them into their place
Tue 25-Jul-2017 21:24
I can't seem to figure out the level

I got it almost solved, but I can't finish it, I always get the last two crates in a position where I can only push one of them into their place

Okay, just as I had posted this comment I finally solved that level (in 33 moves). It's still pretty tricky.
Fri 23-Feb-2018 17:27
I wish the page can also display the level in XSB format.
This way, we can play the level on our favorite Sokoban program.
Thu 17-May-2018 05:47
impooosibru xD
Mon 18-Jun-2018 07:22
impooosibru xD

It's not impossible, it's very easy.

Do: Up, Right, Up, Up, right, right, right

Do not start with this: Up, Right, Right, Right, Up.
Tue 19-Mar-2019 16:06
First of all, my compliments! But...
Has it got a solution? It's driving me mad!
Tue 26-Mar-2019 13:22
First of all, my compliments! But...
Has it got a solution? It's driving me mad!

This is probably the best level on this site so far.

Sun 7-Apr-2019 15:57
Very nice! I liked this one:
Tue 28-May-2019 22:47
Here is my Nemisis:
Tue 25-Jun-2019 01:00

Writing this down just to remember it, a nice little level worthy of playing. Some interesting tricks in it.
Tue 20-Aug-2019 06:26
I spent a little time on Autosokoban this summer vacation. I worked hard and the end result was, of course, a failure. Now I have to say that I really looked down on this problem at the beginning. I think many ordinary people may not realize the complexity of this matter as much as I did at the beginning.
Now I see your website and find that you have solved this problem perfectly more than ten years ago. Thank you, this is an impressive work.
Sun 24-Nov-2019 01:37
This is nice! Reminds me of the puzzles in the Zelda games, probably a connection there!
Fri 13-Dec-2019 09:46
I am pretty sure this one is unsolvable. Is it an error in the algorithm, or did I just overlook something obvious?
Thu 19-Dec-2019 14:49
I am pretty sure this one is unsolvable. Is it an error in the algorithm, or did I just overlook something obvious?
There are no unsolvable levels. You can buy the solution for 0.001 BTC. Wallet 1J9Y1aUMZb5gbQHu79vpCN1tmckVBjsu1
Wed 25-Dec-2019 20:19
I am pretty sure this one is unsolvable. Is it an error in the algorithm, or did I just overlook something obvious?
Mon 13-Jan-2020 03:03
Any possibility for a source code?
Mon 26-Oct-2020 00:03
The world NEED Autosokoban as an app. Every good thing must last forever!
Mon 1-Mar-2021 14:14
The world NEED Autosokoban as an app. Every good thing must last forever!
Definitely 100%
Sat 10-Apr-2021 03:12
Sat 10-Apr-2021 16:38
as of april 10, 2021, this website is broken, i can't use the link to save my level seed
Fri 12-Nov-2021 11:23

lft wrote:


very nice job! i love this game. levels are getting more and more tricky, but you never know if the next one is easy or not. :) is there any way to install the programm on a cell phone? how complex is the algorithm to generate the levels?

Thanks! The algorithm needs a lot of RAM, so it's probably not feasible for a midlet. Some day, when I get the time, I'll publish the source code and a description of the algorithm.

First of all, thanks for this great sokoban generator. Generates small but difficult puzzles progressively. Were you able to publish the source? Even though I am not a programmer myself, this will be a great gift to the sokoban community.
Mon 9-May-2022 22:53

ADent wrote:

Cool stubled on this just now!

My first "app" was a J2ME-midlet originally made for the SE T610. It was Sokoban, with the feature of "in-app-purchase" ;) Beeing able to download new level-sets from my webserver that kept the levels as strings in MySQL. The midlet sent max size of it's screen to the server and only got levels that fit. It worked very well on most j2me enabled phones i tried it on, even the low end ones. It can still be downloaded:

But the level download feature does not work right now, shall try to fix it server side some time.

When everything kind-of-like worked the project was'nt fun any more... And also, lack of freely available levels...

It would be cool to finish it up some time.

Wait wait aren't you the developer from sokoban Garden ?
Levels were really well thought.
Wed 1-Jun-2022 18:36
hey!!!! F*ck you!!
Mon 13-Feb-2023 13:50

lft wrote:


very nice job! i love this game. levels are getting more and more tricky, but you never know if the next one is easy or not. :) is there any way to install the programm on a cell phone? how complex is the algorithm to generate the levels?

Thanks! The algorithm needs a lot of RAM, so it's probably not feasible for a midlet. Some day, when I get the time, I'll publish the source code and a description of the algorithm.

Hey Linus, can you provide a link to the source code or offline binary so that I can play offline ?
Thu 23-Feb-2023 04:38
source code would be interesting! :) had fun!
Fri 24-Feb-2023 12:33
hello, need help solving this level pls :D

can't manage to finish it halp
Mon 3-Apr-2023 10:30

Three attempts. Done.
Thu 6-Apr-2023 06:46
Thought I was getting good but...
Fri 7-Apr-2023 02:00
For those who like the hard ones
Tue 5-Dec-2023 04:10
This one *actually* has to be impossible. All the moves are forced and create a deadlock afaik?
Tue 26-Dec-2023 07:31
thank you for this website!
Sun 7-Jan-2024 17:25
Title: Level 21
Author: Jean-Pierre Kent
Sun 7-Jan-2024 17:28
Tue 9-Jan-2024 02:45
This one *actually* has to be impossible. All the moves are forced and create a deadlock afaik?

UULLUURDR, try solving from there :)
Sun 24-Mar-2024 05:22

lft wrote:

I was looking at level 100 and above, and they were pretty mean. I hope I didn't suffocate your web server with generating them!

How fast is the solving algorithm, and how does it compare to that in the original paper which inspired you, and how quickly can it (your own algorithm) solve f.ex the typical level 100's on a given system?

No problem. =)

The solution is a bi-product of the puzzle generation algorithm, so it would take no additional time., this puzzle seems to be unsolvable, because the boxes on the left-top, left-middle and left-bottom competes for the target squares in the left-bottom. Is there any bugs? If not, hope you can provide a solution, thx :)
Linus Åkesson
Sun 24-Mar-2024 09:08, this puzzle seems to be unsolvable, because the boxes on the left-top, left-middle and left-bottom competes for the target squares in the left-bottom. Is there any bugs? If not, hope you can provide a solution, thx :)

I was able to solve it just now. But it was a nice, tricky one. Good find!
Mon 16-Sep-2024 19:50

I liked this one. Funnily enough, the next level of the same seed was way trickier for me to solve.
Brendan T White
Wed 22-Jan-2025 05:05
Hi Linus

Can I add my voice to the request that you publish the source code please?

I’d be very interested in taking a look.

Wed 12-Feb-2025 02:25
I managed to solve this one, eventually, but thought it was a really interesting style of solution: