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Dec 2009

The lampslide

Mon 7-Dec-2009 22:22
Skulle den kunna byggas ut och bli en ölhiss?

The hardware chiptune project

Wed 9-Dec-2009 02:17
Hi Linus,

at first i have to say: Great project and awsome tune!
I started to bulid one here at home but something is weird.
The controller seemed to run much to slow, so i switched to 8 mhz via ckdiv8 - now the contoller seems to run much faster... too fast... the tune is done in about 2 seconds...
Which fuse config did you use?


A case against syntax highlighting

Wed 9-Dec-2009 05:23
To those who claim syntax highlighting is good/necessary/expedient in spite of the rationale in the original post, examine this:


When your code is of quality >= Knuth's, go ahead and claim victory for syntax highlighting. Until then I too am doing without it...


Ashley Fraser
Wed 9-Dec-2009 15:21
You sir are a genius, this has got to be the most impressive display I have ever seen on an 8 bit MCU, hell it's better than what I've seen some (most) much more powerful MCUs do.

I happened upon this page accidently as I have been spending the entire day trying to find enough documentation to do some VGA stuff and I have to say that I am glad I did, you made my day.

The hardware chiptune project

Wed 9-Dec-2009 20:41
Hi Linus,

at first i have to say: Great project and awsome tune!
I started to bulid one here at home but something is weird.
The controller seemed to run much to slow, so i switched to 8 mhz via ckdiv8 - now the contoller seems to run much faster... too fast... the tune is done in about 2 seconds...
Which fuse config did you use?


Got it. my compiler had produced some crazy stuff...


John Tippin
Sat 12-Dec-2009 23:13
I'm a little confused about the middle voice. I'm trying to figure this out using your process. Everything makes sense, except for the how the middle voice progresses. How does it start? I don't see how the circle for the first segment and the notation line up. Can anyone help?


Sun 13-Dec-2009 09:32
Hey, great project. I've cloned your PCB but the Video doesn't work. Seems like Sync is broken. I've tried this with three monitors. Any idea? The colors seem to be right (they change) but no real video signal is visible.
Sun 13-Dec-2009 09:37
Another strange thing is: The music does only play if the monitor is connected..


Mon 14-Dec-2009 20:10
Figured it out. Nevermind!


Tue 15-Dec-2009 11:57
After circuit analysis I've found out that the 0V peak at the VGA-Sync Signals is acually at circa 1.7V. Are there any Port registers wrong and Pins not defined as output?

The hardware chiptune project

Sat 19-Dec-2009 23:34
Hi Linus,

at first i have to say: Great project and awsome tune!
I started to bulid one here at home but something is weird.
The controller seemed to run much to slow, so i switched to 8 mhz via ckdiv8 - now the contoller seems to run much faster... too fast... the tune is done in about 2 seconds...
Which fuse config did you use?


Got it. my compiler had produced some crazy stuff...

What was your fix? I'm still out of luck here.
Tried with CKDIV/8 and without.

The lampslide

Linus Åkesson
Mon 21-Dec-2009 09:22
Skulle den kunna byggas ut och bli en ölhiss?

Allt är möjligt. =) Man behöver något slags drivhjul med däck som får plats ovanför skenan, och så behöver man tänka ut hur man ska kunna gå runt hörn.


Linus Åkesson
Mon 21-Dec-2009 09:27
After circuit analysis I've found out that the 0V peak at the VGA-Sync Signals is acually at circa 1.7V. Are there any Port registers wrong and Pins not defined as output?

There is a known error, namely that AVcc has been left floating in my design. Since AVcc powers port C, this will cause current limiting on the RGB outputs.

However, I haven't had any trouble with the sync levels. Have you verified that there are no cuts or shorts?

The hardware chiptune project

Mon 21-Dec-2009 16:48
What was your fix? I'm still out of luck here.
Tried with CKDIV/8 and without.

Fixed it by myself. The compiler optimization produced crazy stuff. Bad results with -O2 but compiling with -O1 has worked great for me.
Mon 21-Dec-2009 17:29
I patched your gui.c for my purposes:
--- gui.c.orig 2009-12-21 17:23:14.000000000 +0100
+++ gui.c 2009-12-21 17:23:46.000000000 +0100
@@ -625,16 +625,16 @@
case '>':
if(octave < 8) octave++;
- case '[':
+ case KEY_PPAGE:
if(currinstr > 1) currinstr--;
- case ']':
+ case KEY_NPAGE:
if(currinstr < 255) currinstr++;
- case '{':
+ case KEY_HOME:
if(currtrack > 1) currtrack--;
- case '}':
+ case KEY_END:
if(currtrack < 255) currtrack++;
case '`':

This makes it a lot easier (at least for me).
You can change the current track with HOME and END keys
and change the instrument with PageUp and PageDown.

Hope that's okay for you, linus.
Great project - by the way. I've already started making tunes for your
Mon 21-Dec-2009 23:40
Hey, what license do you use for this project?

The TTY demystified

Tue 22-Dec-2009 20:58
Thanks a lot for this precise article ! This has been very useful to me... (reading an external device on RS232 from bash...)

Beagleboard no-pop hack

Wed 23-Dec-2009 10:38
Awesome, I didn't know you had a beagleboard. Mine is broken at the moment, waiting for my Pandora to arrive :)

- Fox