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Jag tar inget ansvar för det som skrivs i forumet, förutom mina egna inlägg. Vänligen rapportera alla inlägg som bryter mot reglerna, så ska jag se vad jag kan göra. Som regelbrott räknas till exempel förolämpningar, förtal, spam och olagligt material. Mata inte trålarna.

Mar 2015

Cryptic Crossword #1

Sun 1-Mar-2015 22:40
Well done, and in a foreign language too - very tricky. Will attempt it during the week.

The bitbuf

Wed 4-Mar-2015 09:44
Hej Linus!
Instämmer i kören om scheman och källkod eller ännu hellre ett kickstarter-projekt.
Snälla snälla.. :)

Cryptic Crossword #1

Thu 5-Mar-2015 19:26
Very impressive—some great clueing indeed. Well done!

Particular favourites include 7A, 21A, 3D, 6D, 9D, 19D. 

I disagree on the pronunciation of 14A.

Here’s what I’m unable to complete:

9A: I know the answer: “Our rice eaten by messenger.”
But I don’t understand what “modern” does.

15D: I don’t understand the wordplay for the last three letters.

4D: I know the answer: “Able to express four different cup sizes, Spooner to express disapproval of boobs.”
But I don’t understand your word play at all.

11D: I don’t get it.

About me

Sat 7-Mar-2015 14:19
You seem like an interesting person :).

Cryptic Crossword #1

Linus Åkesson
Sat 7-Mar-2015 20:43
Thank you for the nice feedback!

For 9A, the following tells you where to look: Plot variable follows error in setter's domain. (10)

For 11D, I will provide a hint in ROT-13: Guvf vf abg gur uvag.

For 15A (not 15D, right?), it's listed on Wiktionary as an obsolete word with Old English roots.

Finally, I will concede that 4D is not a very good clue. This was the original idea that sparked the creation of the crossword, and I couldn't bear to part with it. In hindsight, I apologise for the self-indulgence. Here's how it works (spoiler alert!): Note, first, that the clue asks for the "successor of" the spoonerism. There is an established expression (perhaps esoteric), for which the spoonerism encodes the first half, and the answer is the second half. The fodder peddler targets grazing livestock. The split (a stock market term) should be rephrased somewhat fancifully.
Sun 8-Mar-2015 15:43
11D: Aha! I hadn’t seen that construction before. Very nice. (Maybe such an unusual wordplay ought to have a straight definition, such as “Tiber, say, seen from Caesarean arena.”) Is that your own idea?

(Very clever hint, by the way.)
Sun 8-Mar-2015 15:50
9A: I don’t understand your cryptic hint either.

15A: Fair enough.

4D: I still don’t understand what you’re trying to do. (I assume that the answer is TWO BITS.)
Linus Åkesson
Sun 8-Mar-2015 20:53
11D: Aha! I hadn’t seen that construction before. Very nice. (Maybe such an unusual wordplay ought to have a straight definition, such as “Tiber, say, seen from Caesarean arena.”) Is that your own idea?

Yes, it's my own idea. You make a valid point, and I was actually considering something along those lines (with Tiber or Rubicon), but couldn't come up with a good surface reading.

(Very clever hint, by the way.)

Thank you!
Linus Åkesson
Sun 8-Mar-2015 20:58
9A: I don’t understand your cryptic hint either.

A modern is a monospaced font, such as Courier. (Confusingly, this is one of two different meanings of "modern" in typesetting.)

4D: I still don’t understand what you’re trying to do. (I assume that the answer is TWO BITS.)


The TTY demystified

Zach Dennis
Sun 8-Mar-2015 23:07
Yup, interesting intro to the TTY area, I think, and fun trying out the terminal tweaks..but any ideas of where I can find a good intro to using TTY in Linux, without the writer assuming I know all about networking/the Linux kernel in advance??? Please and thank-you.

The O'Reilly book titled "Termcap & TermInfo" should get you started: http://www.amazon.com/termcap-terminfo-OReilly-Nutshell-Linda/dp/0937175226

Cryptic Crossword #1

Mon 9-Mar-2015 07:53
COURIER: Hm… I suspected something typographical, but only know of “modern” typefaces in the form of Didot. Bodoni. etc. (Or Computer Modern, for that sake.) I did actually check on the web if anybody uses modern = monospaced, but couldn’t find it used like that.

TWO BITS: Maybe I can make SHARE CUT fit, but HAYVE? HAIF? — I think there are too many levels of indirection in that clue.
Linus Åkesson
Mon 9-Mar-2015 20:16
Hay vendor, share cut.

Yes, it's clear by now that the clue has too many layers. Lesson learnt for next time!


Sat 14-Mar-2015 00:06
i do believe http://www.linusakesson.net/games/autosokoban/?v=1&seed=722222541&level=768 is impossible...

Solved. 40 moves. Probably can do less. Took 30 seconds.

Binary Art

Sat 14-Mar-2015 00:07
Ha! I love it.


Sat 14-Mar-2015 00:47
i do believe http://www.linusakesson.net/games/autosokoban/?v=1&seed=722222541&level=768 is impossible...

Solved. 40 moves. Probably can do less. Took 30 seconds.

I was all excited about solving 768 but I can't solve this one:
Is it solvable?
Max Porshnev
Tue 17-Mar-2015 17:33
Is it solvable?
Of course, it is solvable. Spoiler: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8dVHtu9r5i-YUpQdXF1anFhZ00/view?usp=sharing , but that's definitely not the shortest way. :-)

The Symbolic Links Virtual Machine

Thu 19-Mar-2015 02:31
Running the three lines of code alone doesn't seem to work. Do we need to manually create the directory listing shown?

Bit banger

Fri 27-Mar-2015 22:16
This prick's ego doesn't allow him to reply on comments.


Sat 28-Mar-2015 16:15
does anyone have midi files for fratres they could point me to?