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Feb 2023

The Commodordion

Ben in Seattle
Fri 3-Feb-2023 19:34
Spectacular! I loved your previous projects, but this... this blows me away. The beautiful elegance of using a simple microphone to measure the air pressure is so aesthetically appealing compared to all the advanced technological gizmos I was imagining as I watched you play. And I appreciate that the mathematics for processing it was so simple — just an envelope follower with γ-correction) — that even a C64 could have done the processing.

The TTY demystified

Sun 5-Feb-2023 14:47
Excellent article. Cheers!

- Stefano I.

The Paulimba

Mon 6-Feb-2023 10:58
Hey hey. Great to see you taking up the Amiga again. It came out really nice; the Paulimba sounds lovely.

Yeah, the A1200 is known to be afflicted with keyboard ghosting. Mine certainly is. I love the thing to bits, but if I could change anything about it, the keyboard would probably top the list.

Parallax for piano

Fri 10-Feb-2023 17:56
Could you post this in MusicXML?


Mon 13-Feb-2023 13:50

lft wrote:


very nice job! i love this game. levels are getting more and more tricky, but you never know if the next one is easy or not. :) is there any way to install the programm on a cell phone? how complex is the algorithm to generate the levels?

Thanks! The algorithm needs a lot of RAM, so it's probably not feasible for a midlet. Some day, when I get the time, I'll publish the source code and a description of the algorithm.

Hey Linus, can you provide a link to the source code or offline binary so that I can play offline ?

Perpetual Fragility

Thu 16-Feb-2023 04:29
This effect, although looking simple, is way more complex than Lunatico effects in my opinion. Very nice job! Was wondering how the hell can the snow be not repetitive given the C64 limitations, and now I have at least a vague understanding of how it was done.
Sun 19-Feb-2023 11:40
I still don't believe this was done without at least a little bit of magic :)

Parallax for piano

Tue 21-Feb-2023 16:41
I loved this piece but wanted a good quality recording. I automatically transcribed the notes from the audio file with "basic pitch", then rendered with a quality analog piano soundfont. [1] https://github.com/spotify/basic-pitch [2] https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IyAYg882PNWYwDHzgorQWWLx1PaogZhW/view


Thu 23-Feb-2023 04:38
source code would be interesting! :) had fun!
Fri 24-Feb-2023 12:33
hello, need help solving this level pls :D


can't manage to finish it halp

A case against syntax highlighting

Tue 28-Feb-2023 14:58
I am in violent agreement with your post. Syntax highlighting for beginners who are learning a language can be very helpful. Once you understand the syntax of a given language, highlighting gets in the way, is a barrier to accessibility, and generally a bad crutch to get used to.
However, I fear we are in the minority of the general development community.