Forum comments in chronological order

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Apr 2012

The TTY demystified

Mon 2-Apr-2012 12:21
Is there a way to determine what port I'm logging into (ttyS0? S1? S2, S3 or S4?)
Sounds like a job for the tty(1) command.
Mon 2-Apr-2012 17:14
I think the commentary about line editing being part of the operating system to simplify programs is potentially misleading - the simplification of applications is a side effect.

If you're connected something like a VT100, the terminal handles line editing, and programs send control codes to the terminal to switch between cooked mode and raw mode. When virtual terminals were implemented, this functionality became part of the operating system to maintain compatibility with existing software.

The bitbuf

Mon 2-Apr-2012 18:43
Fantastic!!! The POTENTIAL OF THIS PROJECT IS ASTOUNDING!!! I've been making chiptunes for years and although I adore making that style of music, one thing that has always bothered me is the classic: "programming rather than playing" dynamic. This would help with creating a more personal and spontanious piece! Plus the immediacy of playing an already familiar surface such as a keyboard vs diving into theory and programming notes/chords/arps makes this so appealing!!! I definitely encourage you to pursue this project! USE KICKSTARTER!!! You'd have a backer out of me for sure! How programmable would this be? This question pertains to DIY midi. Would this or does this BitBuf have midi learn capabilities? I'm new to the world of DIY midi controllers, but it would be amazing to have this BitBuf accompany a specialty midi controller!!!


Tue 3-Apr-2012 17:27
Way cool!!

DuckTales, The Moon

Thu 5-Apr-2012 00:12
That's wonderful. Well done! I'm not even able to play it that fast with a simple piano and one hand. You are so fast and precise with the right hand.

The bitbuf

Mon 9-Apr-2012 03:03
When I hear your Chipophone or the bitbuf I only close my eyes and let me feel the nostalgia and the years passing by me.

Amazing, thank your Sir for your outstanding work!

Respect from Portugal


Mon 9-Apr-2012 21:09

tesla1980 wrote:

Can anyone tell me how to change the c - code to make that the whole program loops itself ? I`m absolutely a c-code noop!

There is absolutely no C-code in Craft. It's pure assembly language.

Try having a look at mainloop.S, there's a label called "mainloop", which is the central loop.
Now, to understand the code, you need to know a few things...

r0,r1,r2,r3....r30,r31 are all registers. A register on the AVR contains a value between 0 and 255.
x, y, z:
x register is two registers, r26:r27 combined
y register is two registers, r28:r29 combined
z register is two registers, r30:r31 combined, and is the only register that can be used with LPM

lpm,lds,ldi: these are LoaD instructions. LPM=Load from Program Memory, LDS=LoaD from SRAM, LDI=LoaD Immediate value
CP,CPC=ComPare,ComPare with Carry
BRxx=BRanch if condition xx. xx could be for instance CS (Carry Set), NE (Not Equal), EQ (EQual), CC (Carry Clear) and a few more.
RCALL=call some subroutine
RET=RETurn (from a subroutine)
JMP=JuMP to address
RJMP=Relative JuMP
IJMP=Indirect JuMP (jumps to the value of the Z-register, which is two registers, r30:r31 combined)
LSL=Logically Shift Left
LSR=Logically Shift Right
CBI=Clear Bit
SBI=Set Bit
AND=logical AND
OR=logical OR
EOR=logical Exclusive OR
ADD=ADD two registers
ADDI=ADD Immediate value to register
ADC=ADd with Carry
SUB=SUBtract two registers
SBC=SuBtract with Carry
SUBI=SUBtract Immediate value from register
OUT=change the value of a port
IN=read the value of a port

Only one instruction is allowed per line, execution is top->down.

Here's your job now: Go and figure out what's going on in the program. :)
If there are instructions, that I did not mention, you can search the Web.
You may find help in the full datasheet for the ATmega8, the datasheet can be downloaded from (remember: There are two versions, a short and a full, download the full version)

Beagleboard stable USB EHCI hack

Tue 10-Apr-2012 10:21
Question - do you think this hack would also work for the Beagleboard xM rev. C? It seems to be having the same issue and schematics have that part of the Beagleboard c3 as the same as the Beagleboard xM rev. C with the 10 uF capacitor on v1_8. Except on the Beagleboard xM its C136. Going to try this tomorrow

The lampslide

Tue 10-Apr-2012 18:38
Do you move the projector to different locations frequently?
If not, you could think of mounting it upside down (optical axis parallel to the ground and at the same heigth as the upper edge of the screen). This way you could avoid trapeze adjustment, resulting in an improved image.
(If yes: There are still ceiling mount kits which allow a quick removal of the projector.)

A case against syntax highlighting

Tue 10-Apr-2012 21:18
Syntax highlighting is indeed unnecessary, but I think it's helpful. I know that illustration of highlighted English text was meant to be amusing, but it'd suffice to say that the main reason color is distracting in that case is because of annoying colors and untrained eyes. To complement this, if you read Wikipedia often, I doubt you'll be very distracted by inline links or superscript.

However, when I read the C example up top, I plowed through the whole thing in a few seconds. Not much different without syntax highlighting, except for the additional guidance, at whatever value.

I also would stand by refactoring tools and intellisense. If you're writing good code, you definitely do not need them. However, I don't think productivity tools hurt but rather save time when used properly. I can see a possibility for people to accidentally begin relying on these things, but for me it just never happened; I can still code fast without any syntax highlighting or productivity tools. Sometimes it's easier that way.

The bitbuf

Wed 11-Apr-2012 02:43
Would love to buy one!

Live at LCP 2011

Wed 11-Apr-2012 14:32
Was anyone recording the live performance with decent equipment? It would be very nice to have it in OGG format, for instance!

It was part of SceneSat's show at
Direct download of the show =>
CUE file =>

The TTY demystified

Wed 11-Apr-2012 23:15
This is a really great job! Really helped with background jobs writing to stdout and going to sleep (putting 'stty -tostop;' before background command). It takes much time to generate meaningful examples - much appreciated!


Wed 11-Apr-2012 23:31
do you plan to release some more information regarding the bitbuf?
I want to build one myself.
Thu 12-Apr-2012 03:27
This is a little off topic, but could you write about the Symbolics keyboard you have?

Pipe Logic

Fri 13-Apr-2012 01:48
This is incredible. Very good work. I will be building.


Fri 13-Apr-2012 02:15
Awesome stuff!
Fri 13-Apr-2012 16:41
Super stuff!

Fri 13-Apr-2012 16:48
Is your cache write-through or write-back?
Fri 13-Apr-2012 16:58
Loved it man, congratz!1

Bit banger

Sat 14-Apr-2012 00:04
Do you have a schematic?


Sat 14-Apr-2012 01:20
Very nice. Also good to see some new c-one content ;-) Now have to dig up my C-one board.

Making the Chipophone

Sat 14-Apr-2012 03:09
you are awesome. nice work.

The TTY demystified

Sat 14-Apr-2012 11:54
Thanks !!
Sat 14-Apr-2012 12:21
Great Article and good writing. I came looking for one answer (which I found) and found that I could not stop reading (normally a sign of a good article).

Having been around as the last of the Telex's died out, having designed UART circuits, worked on Xenix and Unix Systems, and naturally Linux systems, your article plugged some reasonable holes I had on the subject...

Thanks again...

The Chipophone

Sat 14-Apr-2012 12:30
Still no schematics&code ? Can we at least get the PCB layout and hex-file then ? :)

btw, awesome work ! (not just the Chipophone, all of it!)


Sat 14-Apr-2012 13:57
Hello Linus. Can you please make PCB board all in one (compatible with that board using C-One daughter board). And make simple FM music computer. And release FM Tracker as freeware or shareware.
Whole Adlibtracker2 (OPL3) community will appreciate it.
Sat 14-Apr-2012 14:14
very nice stuff saw it live on Rev but came here to get the soundtrack as always


The bitbuf

Sun 15-Apr-2012 01:42
Yes, yes it has been said MANY times: I would love to buy a kit or at least get a parts list and schematic. I also totally agree with the many others in saying that putting this on kickstarter or something similar would make a HUGE amount of sense. It definitely won't make billions, but it would be a smash hit in the niche it occupies. I think it could definitely compete with the korg and similar looping machines.


Fabio Utzig
Sun 15-Apr-2012 03:08
Everytime I watch this it just blows my mind! I left a lot of questions on the comments section of the youtube video which you pretty much answered all here.

One thing which is not very clear is why you chose Verilog and not VHDL. You said you used VHDL (somewhat) at university so it seems to be a reasonable choice for me. I personally quite like VHDL and never used Verilog.

Also a very general question: how have you approached learning Verilog? Did you use books, sites, irc, whatever? Which ones?

I'm from Brazil and differently from Europe, especially Germany/Sweden, there's no demoscene (groups) here. I'll say it's even hard to find people who ever heard about it at all. I personally had an Amiga in the early 90s and that's the reason that at least I know about it. One thing which always impressed me is how cool this effects are and I have no idea how you learn to program them. I remember there used to be a site or something like that has lots of tutorials. Can you please give some points to specific learning resources?

Best regards,
Fabio Utzig

The bitbuf

Sun 15-Apr-2012 07:50
Kickstart it, please!


Sun 15-Apr-2012 10:31
Chipmusic.Org Parallelogram topic here:
Sun 15-Apr-2012 19:48
Could you have used --update_mif in Quartus to update your RAM contents instead of recompiling the whole project?

The bitbuf

Tue 17-Apr-2012 12:05
Wow, perfect ! Exactly what I need. Please release a kit. I 'll buy one.

The TTY demystified

Tue 17-Apr-2012 16:35
This is a very good article and I've read and enjoyed it multiple times (no, really!).

One thing I think it does lack is that when it's talking about signals, it should mention about Linux's new(ish) signalfd.


Wed 18-Apr-2012 17:02
Awesome stuff bud. /Alfatech

The bitbuf

Wed 18-Apr-2012 22:40
I would buy one, or a kit version for sure :)


Sat 21-Apr-2012 05:33
You can also think of the falling half of the passage as each bar in retrograde, seems simpler.

The bitbuf

Sat 21-Apr-2012 06:44
Would love to buy one!

Id definatly want one of these, Coolest little gadget ive seen in a long time.


Sun 22-Apr-2012 04:00
Det finns inte ord att beskriva detta med.
Är uppvuxen med C64 och känner igen mig till 100% Chip-musik är för mig ÄKTA NOSTAGI.

Tack för en underbar låt.

-- Mattias "MusicWizard" Forsberg (

The bitbuf

Mon 23-Apr-2012 00:17
You, my good sir, just won the entire internet! Please make a tutorial for how to make a bitbuf :) You are my bit-hero :D


Tue 24-Apr-2012 04:57
I don't know how to use mkstory.c
Thhhhhhhhhhhank you!
^ ^

The bitbuf

Wed 25-Apr-2012 12:00
Fantastic work!!! I love the sound and the looping options! Please, it would be really nice to get a tutorial or the schematics!


Thu 26-Apr-2012 15:33
fly fly fly!

Where's his cape?


Thu 26-Apr-2012 15:34
What is that? Is that your sensor sniffing these tubes?

The bitbuf

Ralph Willekes
Thu 26-Apr-2012 21:49
Too bad I have no experience playing music... But this is a thing that might just help me over the edge and make me at least try to compose music. :-)

Maybe a storage function for patterns and instrument setting banks is the only thing I might miss... Not for whole songs, where's the fun in that? ;-P

Bit banger

Ralph Willekes
Thu 26-Apr-2012 22:02
Awesome! I'm so gonna build one myself! For the poster above, the PCB layout is in the package!

Making the Chipophone

Fri 27-Apr-2012 17:41
Thanks for sharing!