Forum comments in chronological order

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Jag tar inget ansvar för det som skrivs i forumet, förutom mina egna inlägg. Vänligen rapportera alla inlägg som bryter mot reglerna, så ska jag se vad jag kan göra. Som regelbrott räknas till exempel förolämpningar, förtal, spam och olagligt material. Mata inte trålarna.

Apr 2013

Raster paper

Tue 2-Apr-2013 00:20
I didn't understand how it can help you? can you show me a little example
how it works for you?
Tue 2-Apr-2013 03:22
I'd love to see a scanned version of your use of this paper, Linus =)
this, please.

The TTY demystified

Tue 2-Apr-2013 11:01
Real very informative! Kudos to your effort and thanks for hard work!

GCR decoding on the fly

Tue 2-Apr-2013 19:59
Truly awesome work, I am more of a Z80 kinda guy, but I nontheless find this really interesting, particularly the use of "illegal" op-codes and the zero page to speed things up.
Jesper Öqvist
Tue 2-Apr-2013 20:12
Really impressive and interesting article. Good job!

The Chipophone

Jonathan Lusteau
Tue 2-Apr-2013 20:29
Hello! Jonathan and I'm like some people here wanna do was, I'd be able to enjoy such a insrument, I am a young collector of retro games and consoles and especially a musician, that's why when I see your work, I'm in love .

This must be the 100th time that you request, but could you have the great kindness to provide (at least for me: p) construction plans? I sincerely hope you do not take it wrong, you can say that many people are jealous of your talent and it's all your honor! Thank you in advance, hoping for an answer. :)

(if you want this ..)

Beagleboard VGA output

Tue 2-Apr-2013 20:38
do you have hdmi to vga homemade ?

Shards of Fancy

Wed 3-Apr-2013 19:17
Very very nice effects and great music! :)


Poems for bugs

Fri 5-Apr-2013 08:57
Now i understand why i still love c64 demos and dont care for PC at all. Thanks, that was great talk!
And thanks for all the coderporn in your demos. And 63 cycle sid player...
Fri 5-Apr-2013 09:22
Damn You! I want to code again!

A case against syntax highlighting

Sat 6-Apr-2013 20:39
Well, that was a lot of talking. After reading everyone's opinions, I've came out with my own. I utilized other thoughts, and here is the result:
If you would apply your logic to everything (syntax highlighting is like training wheels for the bicycle: when you get rid of them, you will get pulled out of the 'comfort zone' and would be forced to relearn again a.k.a use more time in a long run) you will end up living like a caveman. Why? Because electricity is basically the same thing: without it, some people wouldn't live that long and therefore it should not be used at all. For me, it is not the way to go. We, humans, do such things like automation and all that by understanding it must not be applied to EVERYTHING. At least because in some cases it would use up more time. But the main reason, which applies to almost everything invented, that explains why (insert any invention here) is invented at all, is time. This would be the only thing we can't manipulate with / would be able to manipulate in ∞ years. As the saying goes, time is money. And sometimes, you can make more money by using less time. It's like gambling.

In conclusion, use syntax highlighting for your own risk, by understanding the fact, there will be a day when it suddenly disappears...

GCR decoding on the fly

Sun 7-Apr-2013 01:01

The TTY demystified

Sun 7-Apr-2013 14:59
Fantastic, tack så mycket!

I'm not writing an OS, but writing an improved screen or GUI terminal I do consider.

In particular I was interested in whether there was an API to tell foreground job's output and background job's output apart (e.g. associating a PID with each chunk output) to highlight them understandably or something. Now I figure that I just might be able to implement that by wisely trapping SIGTTOUs perhaps...

GCR decoding on the fly

Sun 7-Apr-2013 16:19
This mas is a true genius. Big respect to You

best regards - wegi
Tue 9-Apr-2013 18:49
Interesting read indeed - I wonder though wether some 1541 clone may use a 65c02 and break the code due to the used illegal ops.

Can't help it - don't see a relation to that compress link in the comments there :)

Air on a Rasterline

Tue 9-Apr-2013 23:11
Awesome. Bits of it remind me of the (rather beautiful) tune from Trixie's Trailer in the original Sam and Max PC game :

GCR decoding on the fly

Fri 12-Apr-2013 04:17
Modifying the bne depending on rate? Brilliant. Worthy even of Mel.
Fri 12-Apr-2013 04:21
Since I'm mostly interested in the 6502 for Apple ][ I didn't quite know where to bookmark this link. So I made a new folder called "Awesome".

Air on a Rasterline

Fri 12-Apr-2013 06:04
Are playroutines like this similar to loopless algorithms?

For example, loopless algorithms often need to use techniques like focus pointers; it seems to me that a playroutine would need several focus pointers.

GCR decoding on the fly

Fri 12-Apr-2013 13:03
Impressive. Thank you for this detailed article.

About me

Sun 14-Apr-2013 22:29
Everything astonishes as long as it is done by a genius. Still, some occasions I remember more than others, seeing your work will be one of those.

GCR decoding on the fly

Mon 15-Apr-2013 19:31
Well done.
Since the values of the even table use only the low nybble and those of the odd use only the high nybble, you could overlay these into a single table. I guess there's no reason to do this, though, since it would require more masking and you were able to fit both tables into the 2 kB of RAM.

Beagleboard stable USB EHCI hack

Tue 16-Apr-2013 00:17
Question - do you think this hack would also work for the Beagleboard xM rev. C? [...] Going to try this tomorrow

Please, tell us. Did it work?

Carol of the Bells

Tue 16-Apr-2013 16:35
Ding, fries are done. :) You are certainly talented, but that song always reminds me of Family Guy... Would you like an apple pie with that?

GCR decoding on the fly

Tue 16-Apr-2013 21:11
All nice, but I prefer MFM as it stores much more.
But in all honesty that might only have been possible on the Amiga ;-).
Built some efficient MFM loaders for that myself too.


The bitbuf

Thu 18-Apr-2013 19:00

There is a world of musicians who want to have their own bitbuf. Why don't you share your design with them. You could either 1. open source the whole project and leave it to others to take it from there or 2. put together kits or finished pieces and sell them. The kits could be as simple as a PCB, a flashed chip + a BOM. If you are concerned you don't have time to sell projects like this you could always contact a company like adafruit or similar to do the sales for you.
Fri 19-Apr-2013 17:18

There is a world of musicians who want to have their own bitbuf. Why don't you share your design with them. You could either 1. open source the whole project and leave it to others to take it from there or 2. put together kits or finished pieces and sell them. The kits could be as simple as a PCB, a flashed chip + a BOM. If you are concerned you don't have time to sell projects like this you could always contact a company like adafruit or similar to do the sales for you.

I am of the same opinion.


Sun 21-Apr-2013 00:49
Trevligt projekt minst sagt!

Själv har jag tänkt försöka göra raspberry'n till en 1541-emulerande enhet som jag tänkte koppla direkt till c64'ans IEC bus. Mjukvaran fixar jag nog, hoppas visserligen att jag kan fixa timingen på raspberry-sidan då det rör sig om mikroesekundsnivåer.

I alla fall...
Problemet med 3.3 till 5v nivåer hade jag tänkt lösa med ett litet enkelt kort som fanns på, så slipper jag hålla på med att koppla på ett experimentkort:

Den behöver dock en fast 5v att koppla på c64 sidan, och det finns inte i IEC kontakten (och jag vill helst inte koppla en extra sladd ifrån t.ex. kassettporten, skulle bli lite fult.
Så min fråga är, borde det inte gå att använda raspberryns fasta 5v istället, så länge jag använder dess jord på båda sidor om nivåkonverteringskortet?

Air on a Rasterline

Linus Åkesson
Sun 21-Apr-2013 22:58
Are playroutines like this similar to loopless algorithms?

It's an interesting comparison. However, when talking about time complexity one is typically concerned with how the execution time behaves when the size of the problem, expressed as N, grows very large. I don't quite see what N would represent in the context of playing a chiptune. The only property that can be arbitrarily large is the duration of the song (or some dependent property, like the total number of notes). But in that case, as N grows, so does the processing time available for completing the task.

The bitbuf

Sat 27-Apr-2013 12:46

There is a world of musicians who want to have their own bitbuf. Why don't you share your design with them. You could either 1. open source the whole project and leave it to others to take it from there or 2. put together kits or finished pieces and sell them. The kits could be as simple as a PCB, a flashed chip + a BOM. If you are concerned you don't have time to sell projects like this you could always contact a company like adafruit or similar to do the sales for you.

I am of the same opinion.
Another +1 for that. This thing is incredible.