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Apr 2016

Kernighan's lever

Fri 1-Apr-2016 09:41
[KC] I love this Kernighan quote. As the author of the best language and best programming book ever, he's one of the computing greats who will be remembered forever.

Nice article too Linus. I think it sure takes twice the effort to debug, for the initial effort in analysis and then implementation has to be revisited, before the problem can be seen in context of the original solution.

"That can't possibly be happening, the code just cannot do that!". I love problems that seem so impossible. The more people tell me that, the more obvious I know the solution will be when we find it.

Subtle problems are much more difficult to find :)

From my own (30yrs+) experience in commercial software, Kernighan is right.

A case against syntax highlighting

Sat 2-Apr-2016 11:15
I don't mind having all the bell's'whistles, but I also use the most basic of tools (ed, ftw!) from time to time, because I don't want to have to waste an hour setting up "my" environment if I need to do something with a system which is new to me.

git clone https://github.com/user/dotfiles.git


vagrant init my/box && vagrant up && vagrant ssh

Yes, it takes time to set up the environment initially. But not having my tools set up causes me to waste a lot of time that could be productive. I feel handicapped without vim and git. I *can* use vi, sed, and cp, but I can work faster when higher level tools are available.


Max Porshnev
Wed 6-Apr-2016 14:37
How does the sync between multiple POs work? What you gonna see if you sniff the interconnect with an oscilloscope?

The TTY demystified

Sat 9-Apr-2016 01:04
really cool thanx to share your knowledge
Sun 10-Apr-2016 03:34
Hello Linus! I have a question about what happens when you kill a process in raw mode. If you launch, say, vim in a terminal and then run `killall -9 vim` from a separate terminal, you would expect the original terminal to be left in raw mode after vim exits (as if you had run `stty raw` or something). However, surprisingly, it is left in canonical mode. I have tried this with multiple shells, terminal emulators, and OS's, and only urxvt behaves differently from this. My question is, what mechanism resets the terminal in this case?

-- kc

Wintergatan Marble Machine 8-bit jam

Thu 14-Apr-2016 08:45

The TTY demystified

Luis Colorado
Thu 14-Apr-2016 14:19
Hello Linus! I have a question about what happens when you kill a process in raw mode. If you launch, say, vim in a terminal and then run `killall -9 vim` from a separate terminal, you would expect the original terminal to be left in raw mode after vim exits (as if you had run `stty raw` or something). However, surprisingly, it is left in canonical mode. I have tried this with multiple shells, terminal emulators, and OS's, and only urxvt behaves differently from this. My question is, what mechanism resets the terminal in this case?

-- kc
Historically, the UNIX tty driver used to reset terminal settings to known values (300bps, some parity, cooked mode, etc.) in close() callback (which was called by the kernel only on last close to the device only) but this was found nonsense, because normal initial session programs like old /etc/getty (yes, it was stored there) were to initialize it fully. This had some drawbacks, because this last close could happen when not needed and the reasons to conserve settings between close where significant.

This requirement has been dropped from linux kernel and now linux allows you to fix terminal settings from a previous shell command without losing those settings because of a last close issue.

Faking Fissile Material

Mon 18-Apr-2016 08:07
Wow... I though my entry was clever, but yours blows my mind. Well done

The TTY demystified

Fri 22-Apr-2016 04:21
Thank you sir. You have been helpful.

The hardware chiptune project

Tue 26-Apr-2016 14:58
Don't know if you still read postings here, but anyhow:
The tracker fills the SDL audiobuffer using the audiocb callback, which in turn calls the interrupthandler() routine. Given the current audio settings (16KHz / AUDIO_U8 / 1 channel) the interrupthandler gets 16K calls / second. The interrupthandler in turn calls the playroutine() method once every 180th call (callbackwait counter). To me this translates to an update frequency of about 89Hz for the tracker, not 50Hz as stated in the code. Am I all wrong or is the 50Hz comment in the source code wrong?

Thank you very much for these inspiring projects!!!