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Jag tar inget ansvar för det som skrivs i forumet, förutom mina egna inlägg. Vänligen rapportera alla inlägg som bryter mot reglerna, så ska jag se vad jag kan göra. Som regelbrott räknas till exempel förolämpningar, förtal, spam och olagligt material. Mata inte trålarna.

Sep 2017


Sun 3-Sep-2017 01:44
Hi, is it normal for the low pass slow sweep fx on the po28 to only work 1 time, and not reset like all the others reset. That is what mine does. I can only use that effect once, unless I take the batteries out and put them back in.
Linus Åkesson
Mon 4-Sep-2017 07:40
Hi, is it normal for the low pass slow sweep fx on the po28 to only work 1 time, and not reset like all the others reset. That is what mine does. I can only use that effect once, unless I take the batteries out and put them back in.

Yes, this is a known bug. Sorry for that.

It has been fixed by now, so new units don't have this problem.

A Mind Is Born

Wed 6-Sep-2017 22:21
This is an amazing piece of work, as is everything you do. I have spent more hours than I care to admit reading and rereading your code and explanation until I think I finally understand it all. I made an asm file that can readily be assembled using 64tass so I could play around with different voices, lsfr seeds, etc. Using $a1 for the seed yields quite a catchy little tune as well. I commented it quite a bit, as my understanding of the code grew. I shared it here in case someone else would find it useful: https://gist.github.com/jblang/3eb7844b7a3134be243acaa57ce4dc9a.
Hopefully you don't mind but if you want me to take it down, just let me know.

Live at Datastorm 2017

Fri 8-Sep-2017 21:30
dude. i was actually not fully aware who you were, in the big picture when we hooked you up for c=rex-offline! man! i think i would have been unable to formulate any good words out of respect! *blast* thank you so much for your awesome work.
sEb aka Wertstahl^G*P
ps.: i use sidreloc on a regular basis and ... just wow :-D

The TTY demystified

Tue 26-Sep-2017 00:17
"To facilitate moving the terminal emulation into userland,(...) inside pseudo terminals, à la screen(1) or ssh(1)..."

What means "à la screen" ? do you speak french too ;) ?
Really interesting and original web site, i wonder where you find the time to do so many things (time consuming things)...

Thanks for your writing


Tue 26-Sep-2017 20:24
While looking in the source, I noticed the song is supposed to end on bar 112 (around line 34 in music.S), but the song goes on for 134 bars and the story sequence for 136 bars. Am I overlooking something simple or is this an error in the given source files?
Linus Åkesson
Wed 27-Sep-2017 21:48

1icri wrote:

While looking in the source, I noticed the song is supposed to end on bar 112 (around line 34 in music.S), but the song goes on for 134 bars and the story sequence for 136 bars. Am I overlooking something simple or is this an error in the given source files?

Look at music.S again. It's reading from the song table. An entry is either a track number (0..95), or a transpose setting (96..127) followed by a track number. As a special case, a transpose byte that indicates no transpose (in the middle of the range, i.e. 96+16) marks the end of the song.
Thu 28-Sep-2017 21:50

lft wrote:

Look at music.S again. It's reading from the song table. An entry is either a track number (0..95), or a transpose setting (96..127) followed by a track number. As a special case, a transpose byte that indicates no transpose (in the middle of the range, i.e. 96+16) marks the end of the song.
Ah, I guess I made a rather silly mistake then! Thanks.