Forum comments in chronological order

Disclaimer: I am not responsible for what people (other than myself) write in the forums. Please report any abuse, such as insults, slander, spam and illegal material, and I will take appropriate actions. Don't feed the trolls.

Jag tar inget ansvar för det som skrivs i forumet, förutom mina egna inlägg. Vänligen rapportera alla inlägg som bryter mot reglerna, så ska jag se vad jag kan göra. Som regelbrott räknas till exempel förolämpningar, förtal, spam och olagligt material. Mata inte trålarna.

Aug 2016

Parallax for piano

Sat 6-Aug-2016 08:46
Hi Linus,

I found your adaptation of Parallax for piano a few years ago, quite by accident. A happy accident.

I still think Parallax by Martin Galway was one of the best pieces every composed for the SID chip and your adaptation for piano is excellent.

I was never much of a fan of the game, but would load it and listen to the main theme. 10 plus minutes of crazy wave forms on the TV.

That was 1986. It's now 2016. Still playing the tune, both from the SID archives and your piano piece.

Thank you for sharing.

- Tim T.

4096 bytes

Thu 11-Aug-2016 21:00
Thou who run *nix are very cool.

Old-school beards moreover. (:|###


Sun 14-Aug-2016 13:39
I need only ctatic Pal Picture
A 10 X 10 grid of white lines and three colored square
blue green red at the center of the vertical.
atmega 128 atmega8 atmega 16 in stock

A case against syntax highlighting

Mon 22-Aug-2016 15:51
With some languages and their naming conventions syntax colouring or highlighting is an absolute must without which the language is totally disfunct.

For example when using the C family of languages in combination with their prevailing all-lowercase with underscore naming convention, syntax highlighting is an absolute must have to stay sane when reading the source.

consider this C family syntax:

foo_bar_baz_t bam_boo_wah;

and compare that with its Pascal family equivalent:

VAR bamBooWah : FooBarBaz;

The Pascal family syntax stands on its own. It was designed for human readers.

By contrast, the C family syntax cannot stand on its own, it requires syntax highlighting to separate individual identifiers. This syntax was not designed for humans, it was designed for machine reading efficiency only.

When a syntax that was designed for machine reading is being abused as a tool for human writers and readers, then it must be augmented so that it becomes legible to humans.

We also do so with other syntactic entities that were not designed for human readers, for example long columns of digits are often separated by some separator symbol for human consumption even though they do not add any meaning:


It would be ridiculous to suggest that the separators shouldn't be used to make the data more human readable simply because one has to learn to read huge numbers of columns without separators. What for? To show off?

The TTY demystified

Mon 29-Aug-2016 22:34
"yes" program , produced in 2009 !

.... cut ....

For reference:

yes command - otputs a line on tty until killed !

coded and added to Linux in 2009.

Interesting! I remember I made a joke with yes program to my friend in 1996 by using Slackware Linux I.e. Linux kernel so new.
Mon 29-Aug-2016 23:03
I'm not especially new to bash programming or serial ports in general, but have never delved into stty and echo.

So I have a simple script (and I'm not sure I have the stty settings right), that should send "tx c" to the serial port. However, the best I can tell using minicom, if I perform the following from the command line:

echo tx c > /dev/ttyO1

the serial device receives:


echo aaa > /dev/ttyO1 echos aay
echo bbbbb > /dev/ttyO1 echos bbbbz
echo abcdefghijklmnop > /dev/ttyO1 echos abeefgkijkmmnoz

WHAT am I missing?

Not sure about your system but in my old linux systems with serial port, device was ttyS01 but not tty01.
Mon 29-Aug-2016 23:11
This and all OK.. But.. I have one doubt for long time... In case of terminal emulator we can navigate/scroll using mouse.. How do we scroll/navigate inside TTY (I am a Linux beginner.. So sorry if it's a stupid question)

Shift+page up/down

This will do the job both in fyi terminal emulators and the ones on TTYs (ctrl+alt+F1, etc.).
Mon 29-Aug-2016 23:23
I'm not especially new to bash programming or serial ports in general, but have never delved into stty and echo.

So I have a simple script (and I'm not sure I have the stty settings right), that should send "tx c" to the serial port. However, the best I can tell using minicom, if I perform the following from the command line:

echo tx c > /dev/ttyO1

the serial device receives:


echo aaa > /dev/ttyO1 echos aay
echo bbbbb > /dev/ttyO1 echos bbbbz
echo abcdefghijklmnop > /dev/ttyO1 echos abeefgkijkmmnoz

WHAT am I missing?

Not sure about your system but in my old linux systems with serial port, device was ttyS01 but not tty01.

It seems ttyO1 works for you.
Maybe outrun a CR and LF at the end of the echoed words will help.
Indeed CR may not be needed.

Try this:
echo bbbbb\n\r > /dev/ttyO1

Hope it works *fingers crossed* :)
Mon 29-Aug-2016 23:29
I have been with Linux and UNIX systems since 1994. They were good old days and I am learning these amazing knowledge just now from this article.
Fantastic job Linus. Thank you so much!

Bedri Özgür Güler