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Jag tar inget ansvar för det som skrivs i forumet, förutom mina egna inlägg. Vänligen rapportera alla inlägg som bryter mot reglerna, så ska jag se vad jag kan göra. Som regelbrott räknas till exempel förolämpningar, förtal, spam och olagligt material. Mata inte trålarna.

Aug 2014


Fri 1-Aug-2014 15:57
First of all, congratulations! You have done an amazing job! It looks fantastic!
Well, I have a project to create a random map creator for sokoban, but I'm having a lot of trouble to do it. I've already looked for the academic paper you talked about, but unfortunately I wasn't able to find it. I would appreciate a lot if you could give me a hand with it.
Thanks a lot

Tracking down the ^Z problem in vim

Mon 4-Aug-2014 05:36
is there any way to autosave when you hit control-z? it seems to slow to save every time i want to suspend-make-run...

We learn the nibbles

Tue 5-Aug-2014 00:53
"Octopus" obviously implies "eight", and "cat" sounds like the French word for "four", but what mnemonic do the squirrel and the heron offer?
Tue 5-Aug-2014 00:58
And only after posting that do I notice that the heron is standing on one leg. It's the number of legs that is the mnemonic, and "cat" sounding like "quatre" is just a coincidence.

The TTY demystified

Tue 5-Aug-2014 09:29
Great article - I will recommend it to my network.

Kind regards,
Christian from Germany

A Chipful of Love For You

Thu 7-Aug-2014 03:41
Love this, it's so, so amazing....


Thu 7-Aug-2014 08:50
Enjoy. (It's impossible.)

Specular Highlight

Thu 7-Aug-2014 15:02
den outa den.

Kernighan's lever

Fri 8-Aug-2014 03:36
While practice is generally useful, some practice is more useful than other practice. We are not trying to maximize practice, we are trying to maximize skill-building per time, subject to the motivational constraints. I believe debugging is often less skill-building than writing code - for instance, an hour-long hunt for an omitted character often causes little or no skill enhancement. Sadly, the laws of physics do not say "you will gain skill in accordance with how much you work".

Also, I find dubious your statement that coding skill is not innate because "because nobody is born with the ability to write clever code in the first place". "Practice improves programmer skill" does not imply "*only* practice improves programmer skill". Try telling a 3-foot-tall man that the ability to play basketball isn't innate, because "nobody is born knowing how to play basketball".

We learn the nibbles

Fri 8-Aug-2014 18:17
Just observe the legs ;)

Poems for bugs

Sat 9-Aug-2014 14:42
I didn´t understand much of it, but the passion and beautiful metaphors were inspiring :)


Thu 14-Aug-2014 06:20
My build fails with the following error:

pl -g true -t main -o plasma -c main.pl
make: pl: Command not found
make: *** [plasma] Error 127

What's pl? Where do I get it? Is there a Gentoo package for it?
Linus Åkesson
Sun 17-Aug-2014 21:26
My build fails with the following error:

pl -g true -t main -o plasma -c main.pl
make: pl: Command not found
make: *** [plasma] Error 127

What's pl? Where do I get it? Is there a Gentoo package for it?

Hi! It's apparently called swipl now. I don't know about Gentoo, but in debian the package is called swi-prolog.

Tracking down the ^Z problem in vim

Linus Åkesson
Sun 17-Aug-2014 21:33
I never run into this problem because I usually :!make. Is it necessary to really stop vim in order to do make?

I agree that it's probably not necessary to suspend vim just to run make. A better example would be running the actual program that's being developed. In my experience, sometimes you want to suspend the program, then browse the source code, and then resume the program again; sometimes you want to run the program with debug output piped to less, and then switch back and forth between the less process and the editor; and so on.


Mon 18-Aug-2014 17:01

lft wrote:

Hi! It's apparently called swipl now. I don't know about Gentoo, but in debian the package is called swi-prolog.

I got an account for your website.

Thanks, I eventually figured out that it was renamed to swipl. Yeah, it's called swi-prolog on gentoo. I had installed swi-prolog before trying to compile plasma, but I didn't realize they had changed the name.

Now I've successfully built Plasma, but it won't compile Turbulence. Make gives up because plasma is returning 1 instead of 0 for some reason. I did tell it where native.so is. The error is:

make: *** [ztunnel.bin] Error 1

ztunnel is the first thing make feeds to plasma. I tried running plasma manually and it still returned 1.

Analysis of the lyrics of "Voices"

Wed 20-Aug-2014 03:20
This is all very good. I remembered reading somewhere that this song, being part of a trio that makes up the suite called "A Mind Beside Itself," involves the guitarist dealing with sexual repression growing up as a Catholic. This is further reinforced by the first tune, "Erotomania" (Eroto, like erotic), and the third song "The Silent Man," which is about the boy now grown up and struggling to speak up and out despite the dissent that comes with it.
Wed 20-Aug-2014 03:29
Two more things. I've tried to think of the phrase "Love, just don't stare," in the "see the whole person" argument, but I continually wonder then why the lyric isn't "Love, don't just stare?" I think that flows just fine, and it's far more clear in that intent.

Also I just wonder if the questions following "I wish that I could speak" are just meant to be questions he wishes he could ask, but can't.


Wed 27-Aug-2014 18:09

Java challenge

Sun 31-Aug-2014 08:02

They have different line numbers. When the exception happens the exception will say which line number it happened on. The program reads the text of the exception to see which line it had the exception on.