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Jag tar inget ansvar för det som skrivs i forumet, förutom mina egna inlägg. Vänligen rapportera alla inlägg som bryter mot reglerna, så ska jag se vad jag kan göra. Som regelbrott räknas till exempel förolämpningar, förtal, spam och olagligt material. Mata inte trålarna.

Feb 2015

The bitbuf

Sun 1-Feb-2015 00:04
Please continue developing it and please show how you did it! I would love to make/buy one!

Vim code

Tue 3-Feb-2015 20:39
I'm just fascinated with how clever these are. I discovered them about a year or so ago, and find myself coming back every few months to play with them again.


Triple fugue #1

Mon 9-Feb-2015 02:09

lft wrote:

Hello! I do have a draft version in digital form. I'll try to find the time to add the final touches (currently in pencil) and post the complete score here.

Hello Linus! Have you then found the time to refine the sheet for your beautiful Triple Fugue? I'm really interested in a copy of it, if possible. Thank you very much.

The TTY demystified

Mon 9-Feb-2015 02:38
Thank you !!! :)

A Chipful of Love For You

Mon 9-Feb-2015 18:47
I like the background sounds on this.


Max Porshnev
Tue 10-Feb-2015 13:15

Power Ninja Action Challenge

Fri 13-Feb-2015 00:29

lft wrote:

Thanks! Yes, I compose the music as well.

The TTY demystified

Sun 15-Feb-2015 22:47
Yup, interesting intro to the TTY area, I think, and fun trying out the terminal tweaks..but any ideas of where I can find a good intro to using TTY in Linux, without the writer assuming I know all about networking/the Linux kernel in advance??? Please and thank-you.
Sun 15-Feb-2015 22:47
Yup, interesting intro to the TTY area, I think, and fun trying out the terminal tweaks..but any ideas of where I can find a good intro to using TTY in Linux, without the writer assuming I know all about networking/the Linux kernel in advance??? Please and thank-you.

The bitbuf

Wed 18-Feb-2015 19:29
get this on kickstarter, you will do very well! Ill have 2!

The remote control project

Sat 21-Feb-2015 04:55
i am also suffering in remote problem the remote of t6060 got damage and my speakers are useless at this time please send me picture of remote pcb soldering side as i can repair my speakers i mean the pcb green side my email is aftabqazi1976@gmail.com i shall thankful to you.

GCR decoding on the fly

Fri 27-Feb-2015 08:06
I just had an idea, why bother with decoding GCR at all, how about you use the GCR raw bytes as an index to a 256 byte table to return a 6 bit result. The original bits would have to be scrambled quite a bit resulting in a specially encoded file.

Also, do all the bits occur in order to select some subset of the bits in the GCR? For example, just mask every other bit and call that your decoded data.

Extend this bit mangling even further, make up a new encoding that gives even 2 decoded bits per byte that are stuffed directly to the output (in a 2bit transfer). This is quite wasteful of space however and reduces the data rate quite a bit, but is trivially fast to send and decode.
Linus Åkesson
Fri 27-Feb-2015 12:03
Those are nice ideas, especially the first one. It would slightly reduce the amount of information you can store in a block (6 * 320 / 8 = 240 bytes), so any benefits would have to be weighted against that. You'd also probably want to buffer the data as 320 bytes, either before or after the table lookup, and then transmit each byte as three bit pairs. It's not obvious that a good mapping function actually exists; it should fit into a single page, so the same mapping should work regardless of the alignment between gcr chunks and bytes, even if the encoding would be different for each alignment. I'll think some more about it.