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for Cryptic Crossword #3

First of all, if you couldn't make heads or tails of any of the clues, you need to understand how cryptic clues work. Read up on that and try again. Solving cryptic crosswords is a highly rewarding pastime, so it will be worth the effort.

1A: Assorted hats worn by composer in a cryptic crossword?

Definition: Crossword? Wordplay: Anagram of “hats”, worn by (surrounding) Bach (a composer). Anagram of “in a”. Sabachthani.

6A: Rock band cries off the record

Definition: Rock band. Wordplay: Cries = yelps, remove LP. Yes.

8A: Hastily signed plan

Definition: Plan. Wordplay: Anagram of “signed”. Design.

9A: A corrupt manager missing point of reorganisation

Definition: Reorganisation. Wordplay: Literal “A”, anagram of “manager” minus E (compass point). Anagram.

10A: Grown-up boy is in demand

Definition: Grown-up boy. Wordplay: Found in “demand”. Man.

11A: Nine wild swallows united in boredom

Definition: Boredom. Wordplay: Anagram of “nine” swallows a U. Ennui.

13A: Load first part of cartridge game

Definition: Load. Wordplay: “Car” followed by the game of go. Cargo.

15A: Base dog wrecked wineries

Definition: Wineries. Wordplay: Anagram of “base dog”. Bodegas.

17A: Eager organ fit snugly inside another

Definition: Eager. Wordplay: Organ = ear. To fit a thing snugly inside another = to nest. Earnest.

18A: Attempt to impress with peculiar prose!

Definition: Attempt to impress with peculiar prose (and the clue itself is one such attempt). Wordplay: Anagram of “prose”. Poser.

19A: Nothing lacks a part, any part

Definition: Any part. Wordplay: Nothing = naught, remove a part of it. Aught.

21A: Improper tap on the nose

Definition: On the nose. Wordplay: Anagram of “tap”. Apt.

24A: Assemble farming equipment

Definition: Assemble. Second definition: Farming equipment. Combine.

25A: Part of product for internalizing part of play

Definition: Part of product. Wordplay: Literally “for”, with “act” (part of play) inside. Factor.

26A: Books on fire

Definition: Books. Second definition: On fire. Lit.

27A: Blurry online scans devoid of meaning

Definition: Devoid of meaning. Wordplay: Anagram of “online scans”. Nonsensical.

2D: Ox tail kebab is on

Definition: Ox. Wordplay: Last part of “kebab is on”. Bison.

3D: Ending the paleolithic age in jail

Definition: Jail. Wordplay: Last part of “the paleolithic age”. Cage.

4D: An acquisition, once more

Definition: Once more. Wordplay: An acquisition (a gain). Again.

5D: Idealistic revolutionary, inclined to the right

Definition: Inclined to the right. Wordplay: Anagram of “idealistic”. Italicised.

6D: A long time ago, you're told, ...

Definition: A long time ago. Wordplay: Homophone of “you're”. Yore.

7D: ... Fantasia's Mickey may have been doped?

In Fantasia, Mickey Mouse is a pretend-conductor next to Stokowski. Semiconductors are often doped. Semiconductor.

8D: Proclaimed hag bent on the topic of populations

Definition: On the topic of populations. Wordplay: Anagram of “proclaimed hag”. Demographical.

11D: Avian lineage?

Definition: Avian. Wordplay: “L” in “eage”. Eagle.

12D: Warning a knave in time

Definition: Warning. Wordplay: Literal “a”, followed by time = duration with a J (knave) inside. Adjuration.

14D: Ecstatic spoke rhythmically on the radio

Definition: Ecstatic. Wordplay: Homophone of “rapped” (spoke rhythmically). Rapt.

15D: Perch with low frequency

Definition: Perch (noun). Second definition: Low frequency. Bass.

16D: Rotten parts of a sardine

Definition: Sardine. Wordplay: Anagram of “parts”. Sprat.

20D: Inexperienced regent, perturbed, drops tea

Definition: Inexperienced. Wordplay: Anagram of “regent” without the T. Green.

21D: Tacit corruption of storage space

Definition: Storage space. Wordplay: Anagram of “tacit”. Attic.

22D: Expend over time

Definition: Expend. Wordplay: Reverse of “time”. Emit.

23D: Crawled up digestive tracts of beasts

Definition: Digestive tracts of beasts. Wordplay: Reverse of “swam” (crawled). Maws.

Posted Thursday 26-Oct-2017 19:43

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