(by Urban Mueller, who
also created the language) has an undocumented feature: Because the program and
its data are kept in the same array, it is possible to write
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Jag tar inget ansvar för det som skrivs i forumet, förutom mina egna inlägg. Vänligen rapportera alla inlägg som bryter mot reglerna, så ska jag se vad jag kan göra. Som regelbrott räknas till exempel förolämpningar, förtal, spam och olagligt material. Mata inte trålarna.
Wed 11-Mar-2009 17:48
get a Life ;)
Sat 4-Jul-2009 13:37
That's amazing! Did you write it from the scratch or did you use some kind of compiler?
Sun 5-Jul-2009 18:26
That's amazing! Did you write it from the scratch or did you use some kind of compiler?
What's amazing is when you posted.
Linus Åkesson
Wed 8-Jul-2009 16:29
That's amazing! Did you write it from the scratch or did you use some kind of compiler?
I wrote it from scratch, but with plenty of comments and whitespace to keep everything straight in my poor head. =)
Mon 2-Aug-2010 22:58
OMFG!! (even though god has nothing to do with it) I can't believe this! That is the stuff heroes of our time are made of. Seriously!
Sun 8-May-2011 16:48
Nice!! But it didnt work in my homemade Interpreter :/ I had to download another one.
Fri 17-Jun-2011 13:27
WOW!!! Looks cool, works cool ;)
Must be a pretty piece of work! I once tried Conways Life too but I gave up ;)
Tue 28-Jun-2011 19:48
My Head already starts exploding and overheating when just THINKING about GOL. If I would have to program it... oh my god.
You didn't just program/code it, you f*cking did it in BRAINFUCK!!
This _literally_ fucks my brain!
I love you.
I just hope to become a good C++ Coder and maybe create some demos or sth like that... But I don't think I will ever achieve what you achieved.
You are a larger-than-life. Keep up the good work!
Wed 7-Nov-2012 15:36
Awesome ;).
And the implementation is so simple! I changed the output to stdout instead of stderr. This is my brainfuck interpreter for stdout in one line :
char m[9999],*n[99],*r=m,*p=m+5000,**s=n,d,c; main(){for(read(0,r,4000);c=*r;r++)c-']'||(d>1||(r=*p?*s:(--s,r)),!d||d--),c-'['||d++||(*++s=r),d||(*p+=c=='+',*p-=c=='-',p+=c=='>',p-=c=='<',c-'.'||write(1,p,1),c-','||read(1,p,1));}
Hehe works with your game of life. Honestly that must have taken ages to implement. I get a headache after the first line in your life.bf file ;).
Greets and keep up all your awesome work,
Walter Schreppers
Fri 13-Sep-2013 16:32
The first line is easy, well the first two and a half actually; after that it gets more interesting. :)
What I'd love to do is use this as a benchmark program; only problem is it doesn't take very long to run...
"real 0m0.049s"
That's for your example script.
Any chance of a larger array ?
Dynamic would be sooooo wonderful but 26x26 should give me enough space to draw a nice pattern.
Wed 9-Oct-2013 21:27
It seems like the [elsewhere] link above is not valid anymore. Or at least not just now...
"De pagina is niet gevonden"
Fri 11-Oct-2013 09:19
The new location for that link is http://www.iwriteiam.nl/Ha_BF.html
Tue 4-Feb-2014 22:15
Are you ready for the next challenge? Implement some brain fuck interpreter using the game of life. It's turing complete after all ;-)
Wed 27-Aug-2014 18:09
Sat 24-Oct-2015 17:42
Thu 21-Jan-2016 22:04
get a Life ;)
YOU SON OF A BITCH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'LL KILL YA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thu 21-Jan-2016 22:06
Lol this doesnt work you so bad lolololol ^^
Tue 26-Jan-2016 20:22
Wow. You're amazing. Is there an online interpreter
Thu 11-Feb-2016 13:11
My Head already starts exploding and overheating when just THINKING about GOL. If I would have to program it... oh my god.
You didn't just program/code it, you f*cking did it in BRAINFUCK!!
This _literally_ fucks my brain!
I love you.
I just hope to become a good C++ Coder and maybe create some demos or sth like that... But I don't think I will ever achieve what you achieved.
You are a larger-than-life. Keep up the good work!
Sat 22-Oct-2016 05:11
+++++ +++++ [->++ +++++ +++<] >++.+ +++++ .<+++ [->-- -<]>- -.+++ +++.<++++[ ->+++ +<]>+ +++.- ---.< +++[- >---< ]>--- -.<++ ++[-> ----< ]>------.< ++++[ ->+++ +<]>. <+++[ ->--- <]>-- ----. <++++ +[->+ ++++< ]>+.<+++++ +[->- ----- <]>-- ----- ---.< +++++ +[->+ +++++ <]>++ .<+++ [->+++<]>+ .++++ +++++ .--.. <+++[ ->--- <]>-. ----. ----. ----- .<+++ +++[->---- --<]> ----. <++++ +++[- >++++ +++<] >+.<+ ++[-> ---<] >-.<+ ++[->+++<] >++++ .<+++ [->++ +<]>+ +++++ .<
Sun 18-Dec-2016 14:10
+++++ +++++ [->++ +++++ +++<] >++.+ +++++ .<+++ [->-- -<]>- -.+++ +++.<
++++[ ->+++ +<]>+ +++.< +++++ +++[- >---- ----< ]>--- --.+. ----- -.<++
+++++ [->++ +++++ <]>++ ++.-- --.<+ +++++ [->-- ----< ]>--- ----- .----
--.++ +++++ +.<++ +[->- --<]> --.++ +++.+ +++.- .<+++ +++[- >++++ ++<]>
+++++ +++.< +++++ ++[-> ----- --<]> ---.+ +++++ +.+++ ++.-- ----- .<+++
++++[ ->+++ ++++< ]>+++ .<+++ ++++[ ->--- ----< ]>--- ----- .<+++ ++++[
->+++ ++++< ]>+++ .<+++ ++++[ ->--- ----< ]>.++ ++.-- -.--- -.<++ +++++
[->++ +++++ <]>++ ++.<+ +++++ [->-- ----< ]>--- ----- ---.- --.<+ +++++
+[->+ +++++ +<]>+ ..<++ ++++[ ->--- ---<] >---- --.-- -.+.+ ++.-- ---.+
++++. ----- ----. <++++ ++++[ ->+++ +++++ <]>++ +++++ +++++ +.<
Fri 10-Mar-2017 04:23
[-]>[-]>[-]++++[<+++++>-]<+++[<+++++>-]<. >++[<----->-]<-. ---.
Sun 2-Apr-2017 22:35
How come the download link doesn't work?
Sun 13-Aug-2017 15:08
I bring grave news from the future... MS-DOS IS DEPRECATED!!!
Sun 27-Aug-2017 13:43
I just found this website. 2009! Wow, it's still impressive that this was not cross compiled.
Thu 5-Oct-2017 14:15
MS-DOS Is alive and well
Sun 29-Oct-2017 09:15
+++++ +++[- >++++ ++++< ]>+++ ++++. ++++. ----- ---.< ++++[ ->+++ +<]>+
.<+++ [->-- -<]>- ----. <++++ +++[- >++++ +++<] >++++ .<+++ [->-- -<]>-
--.-- --.<+ ++[-> ---<] >---. <++++ ++[-> ----- -<]>- ----- ----. +.+.+
.<+++ +++[- >++++ ++<]> +++++ ++.++ .+++. +++++ ++++. ----. +++++ .<+++
[->++ +<]>+ +++++ .<
Wed 24-Jan-2018 13:09
Thu 1-Mar-2018 22:55
This is amazing. I actually play with this :)
Wed 20-Jun-2018 08:51
Tue 31-Jul-2018 08:10
I know the answer is "she".
Sun 5-Aug-2018 14:42
Fri 19-Oct-2018 13:11
That's amazing! Did you write it from the scratch or did you use some kind of compiler?
What's amazing is when you posted.
Mon 22-Oct-2018 02:10
lft wrote:
That's amazing! Did you write it from the scratch or did you use some kind of compiler?
I wrote it from scratch, but with plenty of comments and whitespace to keep everything straight in my poor head. =)
Did you type the comments? When I write bf code I have to write it on paper due to the difficulty of commenting and then type it onto the computer
Linus Åkesson
Thu 25-Oct-2018 08:05
Did you type the comments? When I write bf code I have to write it on paper due to the difficulty of commenting and then type it onto the computer
The bf interpreter I used simply ignores any invalid characters. So it's just a matter of avoiding <>+-[],.
Tue 6-Nov-2018 03:27
..... ..... ..... ..... !?!!. ?.... ..... ..... ..... .?.?! .?... .!...
..... ..... !.?.. ..... !?!!. ?!!!! !!?.? !.?!! !!!.. ..... ..... .!.?.
..... ...!? !!.?. ..... ..?.? !.?.. ..... .!.?. ..... ..... !?!!. ?!!!!
!!!!! !?.?! .?!.? ..... ....! ?!!.? ..... ...?. ?!.?. ..... !.?.. .....
!?!!. ?!!!! !!?.? !.?!! !!!!! !!!!. ..... ...!. ?.... ...!? !!.?. .....
?.?!. ?..!. ?.... ..... !?!!. ?!!!! !!!!? .?!.? !!!!! !!!!! !!!.? .....
..!?! !.?.. ....? .?!.? ....! .!!!. !!!!! !!!!! !!!!! !!.?. ..... .!?!!
.?... ...?. ?!.?. ..... !.!!! !!!!! !.?.. ..... ..!?! !.?.. ..... .?.?!
.?... ..... !.?.
Mon 19-Nov-2018 02:11
..... ..... ..... ..... !?!!. ?.... ..... ..... ..... .?.?! .?... .!...
..... ..... !.?.. ..... !?!!. ?!!!! !!?.? !.?!! !!!.. ..... ..... .!.?.
..... ...!? !!.?. ..... ..?.? !.?.. ..... .!.?. ..... ..... !?!!. ?!!!!
!!!!! !?.?! .?!.? ..... ....! ?!!.? ..... ...?. ?!.?. ..... !.?.. .....
!?!!. ?!!!! !!?.? !.?!! !!!!! !!!!. ..... ...!. ?.... ...!? !!.?. .....
?.?!. ?..!. ?.... ..... !?!!. ?!!!! !!!!? .?!.? !!!!! !!!!! !!!.? .....
..!?! !.?.. ....? .?!.? ....! .!!!. !!!!! !!!!! !!!!! !!.?. ..... .!?!!
.?... ...?. ?!.?. ..... !.!!! !!!!! !.?.. ..... ..!?! !.?.. ..... .?.?!
.?... ..... !.?.
Sun 25-Nov-2018 11:13
..... ..... ..... ..... !?!!. ?.... ..... ..... ..... .?.?! .?... .!...
..... ..... !.?.. ..... !?!!. ?!!!! !!?.? !.?!! !!!.. ..... ..... .!.?.
..... ...!? !!.?. ..... ..?.? !.?.. ..... .!.?. ..... ..... !?!!. ?!!!!
!!!!! !?.?! .?!.? ..... ....! ?!!.? ..... ...?. ?!.?. ..... !.?.. .....
!?!!. ?!!!! !!?.? !.?!! !!!!! !!!!. ..... ...!. ?.... ...!? !!.?. .....
?.?!. ?..!. ?.... ..... !?!!. ?!!!! !!!!? .?!.? !!!!! !!!!! !!!.? .....
..!?! !.?.. ....? .?!.? ....! .!!!. !!!!! !!!!! !!!!! !!.?. ..... .!?!!
.?... ...?. ?!.?. ..... !.!!! !!!!! !.?.. ..... ..!?! !.?.. ..... .?.?!
.?... ..... !.?.
Tue 26-Feb-2019 11:31
..... ..... ....! ?!!.? ..... ..... ....? .?!.? ....! .?... ..... .....
..!?! !.?.. ..... ..... ..?.? !.?.. ..... ..... ..... ..... !.?.. .....
..... .!?!! .?!!! !!!!! !!!!? .?!.? !!!!! !!!!! !!!!! .?... ....! ?!!.?
!!!!! !?.?! .?!!! !!!!! !!!!! .!!!. ?.... ..... ..... .!?!! .?... .....
..... .?.?! .?!.? .
Tue 23-Apr-2019 03:37
Are you ready for the next challenge? Implement some brain fuck interpreter using the game of life. It's turing complete after all ;-)
I could probably do that, but it would take a long time. It’s a simple language after all. Caveat: Input will be a royal pain. Still, won’t be doing it anytime soon. To give you an idea of how it will look, it will look a little like the Spartan Universal Computer Constructor or the Life Pi Calculator.
Tue 23-Apr-2019 03:48
Are you ready for the next challenge? Implement some brain fuck interpreter using the game of life. It's turing complete after all ;-)
I could probably do that, but it would take a long time. It’s a simple language after all. Caveat: Input will be a royal pain. Still, won’t be doing it anytime soon. To give you an idea of how it will look, it will look a little like the Spartan Universal Computer Constructor or the Life Pi Calculator.
Also, it will be incredibly huge, far beyond the capabilities of that poor BrainF program that I call, “The Life Play Button”. It will require a fairly efficient implementation of HashLife, likely beyond anything that can realistically be written in BrainF, at least without “obsessive optimization”. Worse, you probably won’t even get a pattern download anytime soon. Even worse, when you do manage to find the download link (in the future), you will likely still be frustrated by the notable lack of speed and the difficulty of making it “faster”, despite some instructions given in the ZIP file. So, not very good. And, by the way, there are Game of Life interpreters in the Game of Life. They are just incredibly huge, slow, and laggy, just like what I think my interpreter would be like. Let’s end it at that. Bye!
Tue 23-Apr-2019 04:02
Are you ready for the next challenge? Implement some brain fuck interpreter using the game of life. It's turing complete after all ;-)
I could probably do that, but it would take a long time. It’s a simple language after all. Caveat: Input will be a royal pain. Still, won’t be doing it anytime soon. To give you an idea of how it will look, it will look a little like the Spartan Universal Computer Constructor or the Life Pi Calculator.
Also, it will be incredibly huge, far beyond the capabilities of that poor BrainF program that I call, “The Life Play Button”. It will require a fairly efficient implementation of HashLife, likely beyond anything that can realistically be written in BrainF, at least without “obsessive optimization”. Worse, you probably won’t even get a pattern download anytime soon. Even worse, when you do manage to find the download link (in the future), you will likely still be frustrated by the notable lack of speed and the difficulty of making it “faster”, despite some instructions given in the ZIP file. So, not very good. And, by the way, there are Game of Life interpreters in the Game of Life. They are just incredibly huge, slow, and laggy, just like what I think my interpreter would be like. Let’s end it at that. Bye!
I mean, not involving BrainF. Or, in fact, any other programming language in between, as far as I know.
Thu 25-Apr-2019 14:58
*GoL interpreter in GoL*
Hint: It’s called the 0E0P Metacell. It will lag and freeze the flip out of your computer.
Tue 16-Jun-2020 21:01
Wed 24-Jun-2020 22:00
That's amazing! Did you write it from the scratch or did you use some kind of compiler?
What's amazing is when you posted.
Wed 9-Sep-2020 08:40
++++++++++ [> +> +++> +++++++> +++++++++ <<<< -] >>> +++++ +++++++++ .------------. +++++.> ++++++++++++++++++++ +++. << +++++++++++++++++. >> -------------------.--- ------. ++++++++++++++. ++++++++++++. <++++++++++++++ ++++. +++++++++. <+++. +.> ----.> ++++.
Thu 14-Jan-2021 12:53
Sat 11-Dec-2021 02:44
Wed 28-Dec-2022 07:53
awesome stuff, it's like an artform
Sun 26-Nov-2023 04:44
++++ ++++ [-> ++++ ++++ ++ <] >++ .< ++++ + [-> --- <] >--.+++.
Sun 26-Nov-2023 15:48
Fri 15-Mar-2024 21:22
Fri 14-Jun-2024 14:29
This is a really cool site!
Fri 24-Jan-2025 18:31
fuck no
Linus Akesson presents: The Game Of Life implemented in Brainfuck +>>++++[<++++>-]<[<++++++>-]+[<[>>>>+<<<<-]>>>>[<<<<+>>>>>>+<<-]<+ +++[>++++++++<-]>.[-]<+++[>+++<-]>+[>>.+<<-]>>[-]<<<++[<+++++>-]<.<<[>>>>+ <<<<-]>>>>[<<<<+>>>>>>+<<-]<<[>>>>.+<<<++++++++++[<[>>+<<-]>>[<<+>>>>>++++++++ +++<<<-]<[>+<-]>[<+>>>>+<<<-]>>>[>>>>>>>>>>>>+>+<< <<<<<<<<<<<-]>>>>>>>>>> >>[-[>>>>+<<<<-]>[>>>>+<<<<-]>>>]> >>[<<<+>> >- ]<<<[>>+>+<<<-]>[->[<<< <+>>>>-]<[<<< <+> >>>-]<<<< ]< ++++++ ++ +[>+++++<-]>>[<<+>>-]< <[>---<-]>.[- ] <<<<<<<<< < <<<<<< < -]++++++++++.[-]<-]>>> >[-]<[-]+++++ +++[>++++ ++++< - ]>--.[-]<,----------[<+ >-]>>>>>>+<<<<< < <[>+>>>>>+>[ -]<<< << <<-]>++++++++++>>>>>[[-] <<,<<<<<<<->>>> > >>[<<<<+>>>>-]<<<<[>>>>+ >+<<<<<-]>>>>>----------[<<<< <<<<+<[>>>>+<<< <-]>>>>[<<<<+>>>>>>+<<- ]>[>-<-]>++++++++++[>+++++++++ ++<-]<<<<<<[>>> >+<<<<-]>>>>[<<<<+>>>>> >+<<-]>>>>[<<->>-]<<++++++++++ [>+<-]>[>>>>>>> >>>>>+>+<<<< <<<<< <<<<-]>>> >> >>>>>>>[-[>>> >+<<<<-]>[>>>> +<<<<-]>> > ]>> > [<< < +>>>-]+<<<[> >>-<<<-]>[->[< <<<+>>>>-] <[ < < < <+>>>>-]<<< <]<<<<<<<<<<<, [ -]]>]>[-+++ ++ + +++ ++[>+++++++ ++++>+++++++++ + +<<-]>[-[>>> +<<<- ]>>>[ < <<+ >>>>>>>+>+< <<<<-]>>>>[-[> > >>+<<<<-]>[> >>>+< < <<-]> > >]> >>[<<<+>>>- ]<<<[>>+>+<<< - ]>[->[<<<<+> >>>-] < [<<< < +>> >>-]<<<<]<< <<<<<<[>>>+<< < -]>>>[<<<+>> >>>>> + >+<< < <<-]<<[>>+<< -]>>[<<+>>>>> >+>+<<<<<-]>> >>[-[ > >>>+ < <<<-]>[>>>>+< <<<-]>[>>>>+< <<<-]>>]>>>[ - ]<[>+< - ]<[ - [<<<<+>>>>-]<<< <]<<<<<<<<]<< <<<<<<<<++++ + +++++ [ >+++ + ++++++[<[>>+<<-]>>[<<+ >>>>>++++++++ + ++<<< -] < [>+<- ] >[<+ > >>>+<<<-]>>>[<<<+>>>-] <<<[>>>+>>>> > +<<<< << <<-]> > >>>> >>>[>>+<<-]>>[<<+<+>> >-]<<<------ - -----[ >> >+<<< - ]>>> [<<<+> > >>>>>+>+<<<< <-]>>>>[-[>> > >+<<<< -] > [>>>> + <<<<- ]>>> ] >>>[<<<+>>>- ]<<<[>>+>+<< < -]>>> >> > > [<<<+ >>>-]<<<[>>> +<<<<<+>>- ]> > >>>>>[< <<+>>>-]<<<[> >>+<<<<<<< <<+ > >>>>>-]< <<<<<<[->[<<<<+ >>>>-]<[<<<<+>>>>-]<<<<]>[<<<<<< <+>>> >>>>-]<<<< <<<<<+++++++++++[> >>+<<<-]>>>[<<<+>>>>>>>+>+<<<<<-]>>>>[-[> >>>+<<<<-]>[>>>>+<<<<-]>>>]>>>[<<< +>>>-]<<<[>>+>+<<<-]>>>>>>>[<<<+>>>-]<<<[ >>>+<<<<<+>>-]>>>>>>>[<<<+>>>-]<<< [>>>+<<<<<<<<<+>>>>>>-]<<<<<<<[->[< < < <+>>>>-]<[<<<<+>>>>-]<<<<]>[<<<<<<< +>>>>>>>-]<<<<<<<<<+++++++++++[>>> > >>>+>+<<<<<<<<-]>>>>>>>[-[>>>>+<<<<- ]>[>>>>+<<<<-]>>>]>>>[<<<+>>>-]<<< [ >>+>+<<<-]>>>>>>>[<<<+>>>-]<<<[>>>+<< <<<+>>-]>>>>>>>[<<<+>>>-]<<<[>>>+< <<<<<<<<+>>>>>>-]<<<<<<<[->[<<<<+>>>>- ]<[<<<<+>>>>-]<<<<]>[<<<<<<<+>>>>> >>-]<<<<<<<----[>>>>>>>+<<<<<<<+[>>>>> >>-<<<<<<<[-]]<<<<<<<[>>>>>>>>>>>>+>+<<<<<<<<<<<<<-][ lft@df.lth.se ]>>>>> >>>>>>>[-[>>>>+<<<<-]>[>>>>+<<<<-]>[>>>>+<<<<-]>>]>>>[-]<[>+<-]<[-[<<<<+>> >>-]<<<<]<<<<<<[-]]<<<<<<<[-]<<<<-]<-]>>>>>>>>>>>[-]<<]<<<<<<<<<<] Type for instance "fg" to toggle the cell at row f and column g Hit enter to calculate the next generation Type q to quit