Triple fugue #1
When Frédéric Chopin wrote his rather melancholic prelude in C minor, he did not know that years later, a computer game called Ghosts And Goblins would carry the chord progression of the first few bars of that very prelude into the hearts and minds of a whole new generation.
Likewise, Mark Cooksey, when creating the C64 version of the in-game music of Ghosts And Goblins, did not know that three particular melodies appearing in that piece, namely:


would, again years later, form the subjects of my first triple fugue. As a homage to Chopin, then, tacked on to the beginning of my opus, you'll find the original prelude. And of course, being the prelude of it, this theme also appears in a couple of places in the fugue itself.
Here it is:
- Linus Akesson - Prelude And Triple Fugue No 1 (MP3, 4.7 MB)
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Sat 8-Jan-2011 19:56
Linus Åkesson
Mon 17-Jan-2011 16:13
Hello! I do have a draft version in digital form. I'll try to find the time to add the final touches (currently in pencil) and post the complete score here.
Mon 9-Feb-2015 02:09
lft wrote:
Hello! I do have a draft version in digital form. I'll try to find the time to add the final touches (currently in pencil) and post the complete score here.Hello Linus! Have you then found the time to refine the sheet for your beautiful Triple Fugue? I'm really interested in a copy of it, if possible. Thank you very much.