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The soundtrack from the C64 game Warhawk, composed in 1986 by Rob Hubbard, played live on the Chipophone.

The composition appears to be based on the piece “The Unknown Planet” from John Keating's 1972 album “Space Experience”.


Posted Tuesday 1-May-2018 21:34

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Wed 2-May-2018 01:47
A very nice rendition!
Tue 15-May-2018 18:41
very cool :-)
Fri 27-Jul-2018 08:43
Great version of a Hubbard favourite :)

How much time do spend preparing/practising before recording a song?

Wed 7-Nov-2018 20:03
Hej, det vore kul med en wintergatan marble machine version pa bade denna och/eller SID!